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《Matlab 7基础与提高》下载资料

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0 个回复

  • FT
    说明:  基于傅里叶变换的去除图像纹理方法。通过去除频域高亮区域来消除纹理,保留低频信息。(Based on Fourier Transform method to remove the image texture. Highlighted region by removing the frequency domain to eliminate the texture, retain low frequency information.)
    2010-04-19 15:57:13下载
  • ipeak5
    The additional argument (PeakD) is roughly the ratio of the typical peak width to the length of the entire data record. Small values detect fewer peaks larger values detect more peaks. It effects only the starting values for the peak detection parameters. (This is just a quick way to set reasonable initial values of the peak detection parameters, rather than specifying each one individually as in example 5.
    2013-05-07 17:01:07下载
  • Filter
    matlab下filter程序,有脉冲响应法和双线性变换法生成filter,各参数有详细注释,有信号滤波前后的图形、频谱及相位对比。(Under filter matlab procedures, generate filter impulse response method and bilinear transformation method, various parameters are detailed notes, graphics, spectrum and phase contrast signal before and after filtering.)
    2014-02-09 15:53:49下载
  • matlab
    子波求取,以及人工合成地震记录的matlab程序源代码(Wavelet strike, as well as synthetic seismic records matlab source code)
    2021-02-22 09:39:41下载
    粒子群算法,也称粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization),缩写为 PSO, 是近年来发展起来的一种新的进化算法(Evolutionary Algorithm - EA)。(For each particle ____Initialize particle END Do ____For each particle ________Calculate fitness value ________If the fitness value is better than the best fitness value (pBest) in history ____________set current value as the new pBest ____End ____Choose the particle with the best fitness value of all the particles as the gBest ____For each particle ________Calculate particle velocity according equation (a) ________Update particle position according equation (b) ____End)
    2015-03-13 09:28:14下载
  • yonglang7m
    解决水库大坝岸坡涌浪问题,涌浪向滑坡点上下游扩散的matlab实现。(Solve the problem of dam slope swell, swells to landslide on the downstream point spread matlab.)
    2011-08-04 16:59:20下载
  • array_iwo_MATLAB
    this algorithm simulates natural behavior of weeds in colonizing and finding suitable place for reproduction.IWO differs from other evolutionary algorithms in the way of reproduction,spatial dispersal and competitive exclusion
    2013-02-26 13:31:07下载
  • bifur
    有关混沌系统同步的程序代码,对大家应该是非常有用的(Synchronization of chaotic systems related to the program code, and everyone should be very useful)
    2020-06-30 14:40:02下载
  • yuanma
    说明:  用matlab函数imhist()实现给定图像的直方图;函数histeq()实现直方图均衡化;对给定图像,各自指定直方图,进行直方图匹配,使图像增强。(Using matlab function imhist () to achieve a given image histogram function histeq () to achieve histogram equalization on a given image, each designated histogram, histogram matching, so that the image enhancement.)
    2011-04-12 19:46:02下载
  • chengxu
    用Ritz-Galerkin方法解边值问题: u +u=-x,0<x<1, u(0)=u(1)=0,精确解为u*(x)=sinx/sin1-x; 得出结果与精确解作比较,画出误差分析图(With the Ritz-Galerkin method to solve the boundary value problem: u' ' + u =- x, 0 <x<1, u(0)=u(1)=0,精确解为u*(x)=sinx/sin1-x; 得出结果与精确解作比较,画出误差分析图)
    2011-04-26 20:48:57下载
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