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于 2009-07-26 发布 文件大小:325KB
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说明:  自己做的蓝牙协议栈,目前完成了hci,l2cap和sdp层(Own Bluetooth protocol stack)



0 个回复

  • Whuaawei-WCDMC
    WCDMA无线接口物理层,经典典WCDMA无线接口物理层,经典 (WCDMA radio interface physical layer, the classic typical WCDMA radio interface physical layer, the classic)
    2012-08-05 11:42:44下载
  • Cross-layer-
    一种基于遗传算法的OFDMA系统的跨层资源分配(Cross-layer resource a genetic algorithm-based allocation of OFDMA system)
    2013-12-19 13:24:17下载
  • HC-05-bluetooth
    HC-05蓝牙模块的使用,包括全部参数,外部电路搭建,AT指令等(HC-05 Bluetooth module to use, including all parameters, the external circuit to build, AT commands, etc. )
    2011-10-24 21:14:11下载
  • RS
    说明:  这个C++程序建立了高斯白噪声信道模型下的RS码的编码及译码算法,并且给出了其比特误码率性能。(This program has realized the RS code,the coding and decoding mode (and furthermore has simulated the ber performance of decoding ))
    2012-02-21 16:27:42下载
  • BPSK误码率仿真的
    该程序能够较好的仿真出Missive MIMO系统下 信道估计的误码率,及还 有部分的MSE代码,可以供大家参考一下!(This program can better simulate the error rate of channel estimation under Missive MIMO system, and also There are some MSE code that you can refer to!)
    2018-03-28 19:45:28下载
  • PTZ
    ptz 云台控制软件, 内带C++ 源码(ptz PTZ control software, which brought C++ source)
    2013-07-27 14:58:53下载
  • JavaLauncher_EKA2
    this file is used to activate app on startup of nokia mobile.
    2013-09-05 14:50:11下载
    接收端采用的算法和程序流程与发送端发送的OFDM符号的帧结构有关系。具体的帧结构,以及定时估计,频偏估计,剩余误差跟踪的算法可参考算法说明文档。这里对程序的流程进行说明。 首先根据短训练字的特性进行相关运算,进行信号到达检测,当检测到相关值大于门限一定次数后,认为有信号到达。然后根据长训练字的特性,进行相关运算,进行OFDM符号FFT窗口起始位置的估计。估计出FFT窗口的位置后,先在时域进行小频偏的估计,将两个长训练字进行小频偏补偿后,进行FFT运算,根据FFT运算的结果进行整数倍频偏的估计。这些参数估计完成后,就可以进行数据解调了。先对数据部分进行完整的频偏补偿,然后根据估计的FFT窗口位置进行FFT运算得到频域的数据,进行解调。然后在对应于导频的子载波位置上提取出导频信息,根据导频信息估计出剩余定时误差以及剩余的信道响应误差,将误差量送入环路进行跟踪。当收到所有数据后,重新回到信号到达检测状态,进行下一次信号到达的检测和信号接收。 (good)
    2020-11-04 23:49:52下载
  • VC_MFC-Sample1
    Microsoft Visual C++ MFC串口通信编程详解,主要介绍了用CreateFile()函数和WriteFile()函数读写串口的实例,以及设置 串口属性的实例. 在工业控制中,工控机(一般都基于 Windows 平台)经常需要与智能仪表通过串口 进行通信.串口通信方便易行,应用广泛. 一般情况下,工控机和各智能仪表通过 RS485 总线进行通信.RS485 的通信方式是 半双工的,只能由作为主节点的工控 PC 机依次轮询网络上的各智能控制单元子节点. 每次通信都是由 PC 机通过串口向智能控制单元发布命令,智能控制单元在接收到正 确的命令后作出应答. (Microsoft Visual C++ MFC serial communication programming explain CreateFile () and WriteFile () function to read and write the serial port of the instance, and set the serial port attribute instance in industrial control, IPC (generally based on the Windows platform) often need to communicate with the smart meter through the serial port serial communication easy and widely used normal circumstances, the IPC and intelligent instrument through RS485 communication RS485 communication is half-duplex, only as the primary node industrial PC turn polling network intelligent control unit child nodes. every communication from a PC via the serial port to issue commands to the intelligent control unit, intelligent control unit receives the correct command response.)
    2012-10-11 07:23:02下载
  • Ltpcc
    一个串口通讯的源码,自定义的通讯协议,与切纸设备连接(A serial communications source, since the definition of communication protocols, and cutting equipment to connect)
    2008-04-02 10:55:28下载
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