首页 » matlab » Probing_into_Technique_of_Image_Enhancement_Based_


于 2010-03-19 发布 文件大小:190KB
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说明:  :图像增强是图像处理的一个重要分支,是图像边缘提取、图像分割等的基础.文章介绍了常用的图像增强技 术,并且以Madab为工具完成图像的直方图均衡化、巴特沃斯高通滤波器操作的示例,给出了处理前后的对照图像.重点介 绍了利用小波变换进行图像增强,获得了比较好的增强效果.(: Image enhancement is an important branch of image processing is the image edge extraction, image segmentation, etc. basis. This paper introduces the commonly used image enhancement technology, and to Madab as a tool to complete the image histogram equalization, Butterworth high-pass filter operation of an example is given before and after contrast images. Focuses on image enhancement using wavelet transform to obtain a relatively good enhancement.)



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