分布式温控系统基本要求 1. 中央空调是冷暖两用,但一次只能使用一种温控装置。当设置为供暖时,供暖温度控制在25°C~30°C之间,当设置为制冷时,制冷温度控制在18°C~25°C之间。 2. 中央空调具备开关按钮,只可人工开启和关闭,中央空调开启后处于待机状态。当关闭后,不响应来自房间的任何温控请求。当有来自从控机的温控要求时,中央空调开始工作。当所有房间都没有温控要求时,中央空调的状态回到待机状态。 3. 房间内有独立的从控空调机,但没有冷暖控制设备。从控机具有一个传感器,实时监测房间的温度,并与从控机的目标设置温度进行对比,决定是否需要制冷或制热,并向中央空调机发出请求。如果从控机发出的请求和中央空调设置的冷暖控制状态发生矛盾时,以中央空调机的状态优先,即中央空调机不予响应。 4. 从控机只能人工方式开闭,并通过控制面板设置目标温度,目标温度有上下限制。所有房间的初始目标温度由中央空调机设置,每个房间的空调机开启时要读取中央空调机预置的房间温度。温度升降范围应该在目标温度的上下1 °C。房间不考虑大小和管道的分布及大小问题,在达到目标温度后,房间的温度每分钟上下变化0.1°C。 (Basic requirements of a distributed temperature control system 1. Central air conditioning is the well-being of dual-use, but can only use a thermostat device. When set to heating, the heating temperature at 25 ° C ~ 30 ° C, and when set to cooling, the cooling temperature at 18 ° C ~ 25 ° C between. 2. Central air conditioning with switch buttons can only be manually opened and closed, central air-conditioning turned on in standby mode. When closed, do not respond to a request from the room of any thermostat. When the machine from temperature control from the control requirements, central air-conditioning work. When all rooms are no thermostat demand, central air condition back to standby. 3. Room independent from the control air conditioning, but no climate-control equipment. From the control machine with a sensor, real-time monitoring the temperature of the room, and with the goal set from the control unit compares the temperature to determine the need for cooling or he)