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于 2010-03-18 发布 文件大小:87KB
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说明:  图像处理程序集 包含众多图像处理的基本操作方法(Image processing assembly)



0 个回复

  • FnnSimu
    source code of simlate function of fuzzy bp neural network
    2009-06-07 15:00:08下载
  • OMP
    OMP算法的本质思想是:以贪婪迭代的方法选择D的列,使得在每次迭代的过程中所选择的列与当前冗余向量最大程度的相关,从原始信号向量中减去相关部分并反复迭代,只到迭代次数达到稀疏度K,停止迭代。(OMP compressed sensing )
    2013-11-04 19:24:32下载
  • MATLAB-slides-of-shandongU
    matlab培训课件,包含程序设计基础,可视化,数值计算,控制系统等章节内容。(matlab training courseware, including program design, visualization, numerical control systems and other chapters.)
    2015-01-26 13:40:02下载
    文件为关于如何用matlab进行编程的资料,用matlab编程比用C语言更容易,它的矩阵运算能力更是c语言难以比拟的。再用matlab编程时,一些小细节忘了可以看一下此文件。(Document on how to use matlab to program information with the matlab programming language more easily than C, its capacity is c matrix operations can not match the language. Then matlab programming, forgot some small details can look at this file.)
    2011-05-14 10:14:50下载
  • discrimation
    该文针对具有两个相互重叠频率成分的密集频谱 ,分析了两个重叠频率成分在复频域的叠加情况 ,在不增加采样长度的条件下 ,通过向量分解和单频率成分的识别、校正方法 ,推导出其校正公式。(In this paper, with two overlapping frequency components of the dense spectrum of two overlapping frequency components in the frequency domain stacking situation, in terms of not increasing the sample length, through the vector decomposition and single-frequency components of the identification, correction derived the correction formula.)
    2010-06-01 16:36:54下载
  • 结构光照明荧光显微镜超分辨率图像重建的算法研究方面的 psee
    结构光照明荧光显微镜超分辨率图像重建的算法研究方面的,可以试试啊(Structured lighting super-resolution fluorescence microscopy image reconstruction algorithm research, you can try ah)
    2014-12-01 10:49:43下载
  • MATLAB6.5
    统讲述MATLAB6.5 的集成工作平台,引导读者初会MATLAB 基本用法。 第二、三章系统叙述MATLAB6.1 的四大基本数据类型(数值数组、字符串数组、元胞数组、 构架数组),至于其它扩展数据类型(函数句柄、符号数据、内联函数、unit 数组、稀疏类) 则另辟章节专述。此后,本书用九个独立章分述MATLAB6.5 的数值计算、符号计算、函数 和数据可视、面向对象编程、GUI 交互操作界面设计、EXE 独立应用程序生成、实现不同 软件平台交互的API、M-book 数据图形文字环境集成等八大通用功能。本书用专门的一章 深入浅出地阐明SIMULINK 的分层建模、仿真功能、与MATLAB 交互的功能。(The the integration work platform on the system tells MATLAB6.5 the guide readers to the beginning of MATLAB basic usage. The second and third chapters system described the MATLAB6.1 four basic data types (numeric array, string array, cell array, the array architecture), as extended data types (function handle symbol data, inline functions, unit array , the sparse class) are covered in separate chapters specifically mentioned. Since then, with nine separate chapter book are as MATLAB6.5 the numerical computation, symbolic computation, functions, and data visualization, object-oriented programming, GUI interactive interface design, EXE standalone application generation, different software platform to interact The data graphics API, M-book text environment integration Eight generic function. Book special chapter layman' s language to clarify SIMULINK hierarchical modeling, simulation capabilities, and MATLAB interaction.)
    2012-11-04 14:16:13下载
  • MATLAB simulation of the Brown movement
    布朗运动的MATLAB模拟,动态图形的一个简单学习例程。txt文件,粘贴到matlab中就可以运行。(The MATLAB simulation of the Brown movement, a simple learning routine for dynamic graphics. Txt files, paste into the Matlab can run.)
    2018-02-09 23:12:31下载
  • mean_shift_matlab
    meanshift源代码---matlab版,初学者必看(meanshift source code--- matlab version, beginners must-see)
    2008-01-09 12:30:56下载
  • matelabfangzhen
    先进PID 控制及其MATLAB 仿真 网络上很少有这样的文档资料下载(Advanced PID Control and MATLAB Simulation of the network there has been little information download this document)
    2009-04-21 15:26:21下载
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