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说明:  遗传算法车间调度,车间作业调度问题遗传算法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入参数列表 M 遗传进化迭代次数 N 种群规模(取偶数) Pm 变异概率 T m×n的矩阵,存储m个工件n个工序的加工时间 P 1×n的向量,n个工序中,每一个工序所具有的机床数目 输出参数列表 Zp 最优的Makespan值 Y1p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的开始时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y2p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的结束时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y3p 最优方案中,各工件各工序使用的机器编号 Xp 最优决策变量的值,决策变量是一个实数编码的m×n矩阵 LC1 收敛曲线1,各代最优个体适应值的记录 LC2 收敛曲线2,各代群体平均适应值的记录 最后,程序还将绘出三副图片:两条收敛曲线图和甘特图(各工件的调度时序图)(Genetic algorithm scheduling, job shop scheduling problems with genetic algorithms -------------------------------------------------------------------------- genetic evolution of the input parameter list, the number of iterations M N population size (taken even) Pm mutation probability T m × n matrix, stored m one piece n a process of processing time 1 × n vector, n a process in which each machine processes the number of Zp with the best value Y1p Optimal Makespan programs, the start time of each process the workpiece can be drawn based on its optimal solution Gantt Y2p, each time the workpiece end of the process, according to its draw Gantt Y3p optimal solution, each piece of the processes using machine code Xp optimal decision variable, decision variable is a real m × n matrix encoded LC1 convergence curve 1, the generation of the best individual record of LC2 fitness convergence curve 2, the average fitness value on behalf of groups record Finally, the program will draw three pict)





0 个回复

  • luokuotiqu
    这个是图像轮廓提取的matlab程序,而且提取完后还能把所有轮廓用不同颜色分开存放到轮廓矩阵cell中,方便用户对感兴趣的轮廓进行操作--张璐奉献(This is the matlab image contour extraction process, but also exhausted all the contours extracted with different colors kept separate from the profile cell in the matrix, user-friendly to operate the contours of interest- Zhang Lu dedication)
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