MATLAB作为一种智能化高级语言,集公式演算推异与数值计算于一体,兼有出色的图形处理和数据分析功能,作为多领域的应用软件,MATLAB的工具箱对相关学科的各处基本技术都采用了当今最先进的算法。本书共分7章,先简要介绍了MATLAB的安装及启动后,较为详细地介绍了MATLAB的基础知识,深入浅出地分析了MARLAB的符号运算功能以及绘图功能,并提供了大量的实例,便于读者自学。 (MATLAB as an intelligent high-level language, set up different calculus formulas and numerical calculation in one, a combination of excellent graphics processing and data analysis functions, as in many fields of application software, MATLAB Toolbox for related disciplines throughout the basic skills have adopted the most advanced algorithms. The book is divided into 7 chapters, briefly introduced the MATLAB installation and start-up, the more detailed description of the basic knowledge of MATLAB, in layman s language and analysis of the symbolic operation MARLAB functions and graphics functions, and provide a large number of examples, easy readers self-learning.)