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于 2010-03-14 发布 文件大小:1324KB
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  This method is used for tracking wavelet/optical flow-based detection for automatic target recognition in the following paper: Dessauer, M. and Dua S. “Wavelet-based optical flow object detection, motion estimation, and tracking on moving vehicles”



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  • regiongrow
    region growing: Perform segmentation by region grow1ng. [G, NR, SI, TI] = REGIONGROW(F, SR, T). Scan be an array (the same size as F) with a 1 at the coord1nates of every seed point and 0s elsewhere. S can also be a single seed value. Similarly, T can be an array (the same size as F) containing a threshold value for each pixel in F. T can also be a scalar, in wh1ch case it becomes a global threshold.
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