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于 2010-03-13 发布 文件大小:32KB
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  imlimentation hist matlab



0 个回复

  • FD1D12
    Question 1.2 Sullivan
    2010-08-12 11:37:57下载
  • histogramequalization
    In histogram equalization we are trying to maximize the image contrast by applying a gray level transform which tries to flatten the resulting histogram. The gray level transform is a scaled version of the original image s cumulative histogram. That is, the graylevel transform T is given by T[i] = (G-1)c(i), where G is the number of gray levels and c(i) is the normalized cumulative histogram of the original image.
    2011-05-25 13:03:31下载
  • code
    麦克风阵列的一些波束形成算法打包 可以很好的理解波束形成原理(Some of the microphone array beamforming algorithms can be packaged to form a good understanding of beam theory)
    2020-07-01 17:00:02下载
  • shuzixinhaochuli-matlab-shiyan1
    matlab 数字信号处理实验1代码全部 东南大学(Digital signal processing matlab code experiment a whole Southeast University)
    2015-03-27 20:04:18下载
  • RBFlw1
    这是一部分关于RBF的论文,对股市预测很油帮助(This is part of the paper on the RBF, the stock market is the oil to help predict)
    2010-09-13 15:47:58下载
  • current
    采用matlab软件进行的移相全桥仿真研究(恒电流)(Carried out using matlab software simulation of phase-shifted full-bridge (constant current))
    2010-11-29 11:30:08下载
  • MDA_Gray
    this code shows the implementation of a transmission chain. First, the codage with Gray(MDA-4), then the over sampling, the filtrage before emission, the filtrage in reception with the same filter(in order to be adaptative). then the decision within the value of the final signal in the reception.
    2009-12-13 22:04:35下载
  • meanshift
    matlab实现的meanshift算法,本人使用效果不错(meanshift on matlab )
    2010-12-25 11:24:41下载
  • c
    说明:  约瑟夫问题的实现:设有n个人围坐在圆桌周围,现从某个位置m(1≤m≤n)上的人开始报数,报数到k的人就站出来。下一个人,即原来的第k+1个位置上的人,又从1开始报数,再报数到k的人站出来。依此重复下去,直到全部的人都站出来为止。试设计一个程序求出出列序列。(Joseph realized the problem: There are n people sitting around the round table, is from a position of m (1 ≤ m ≤ n) reported on the number of people began to be reported to the k number of people to come forward. The next person, that is, the original positions on the first k+1 people, and from the number reported at 1, then the number reported to the k to stand up. So repeat this until all the others can stand up. Try to design a program derived from the column sequence.)
    2011-03-23 15:36:50下载
  • 3SA
    此代码仿真了一个语音输入输出系统,语音信号经过AD转换后,经过DSSS调制解调后,通过DA转换还原输入的声音,每一步的的波形都可以观测,对实际DSSS系统设计有很大的参考价值(This code simulation of a voice input and output systems, speech signal after AD conversion after DSSS modem through DA conversion to restore the input voice, each step of the waveform can be observed, the actual design of DSSS systems have great reference value)
    2008-01-15 19:05:49下载
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