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于 2011-02-10 发布 文件大小:1894KB
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  针对光伏并网发电系统中关健部件—逆变器的结构设计与控制方法研究进行了详细分析 和阐述。从电网、光伏阵列以及用户对逆变器的要求出发, 分析了各种不同的逆变器拓扑结构与控 制方法, 比较其运行效率和控制效果。对于本文提出了一种基于全桥变换器的正弦波逆变电源的整体设计 方案。文章首先对系统设计中将使用到的DC/DC变换器,DC/AC变 换器以及PWM控制技术在理论上进行了深入的研究。并讨论了数字 式PID控制算法的实现和在系统中的应用,还针对这种基于全桥变换 器的正弦波逆变器提出了一种用一个电压闭环来调节两个控制量的 PID算法。 其次,文章设计了基于全桥变换器、全桥逆变器和以DSP为核 心的逆变电源控制电路,详细介绍了各相关电路模块的原理与结构。 在完成电路参数设计以后,通过使用MATLAB/Simulink软件对整个 系统进行了仿真分析。并对系统软件设计的思路与实现方法以及关键 程序的流程进行了介绍。 最后,通过系统的带载实验对整套系统软硬件设计的合理性进行 了验证。实验结果表明,本文设计的逆变电源硬件电路和软件系统是 成功的。 (The paper comes up with a full-package solution to convert solar power into AC.This solution is based on the design of the full-bridge converter and the full-bridge inverter.This paper first gives full analysis on the theories of power switching technology,inverter technology and PWM technology.And the theory and fulfillment of PID algorithm are discussed in this paper.Especially for this solution,this paper comes up with a PID algorithm in which two variables are being controlled in one close-loop. Then,this paper gives the procedure to calculate the main circuit parameters.The design of digital controlling circuit and assistant circuits, such as MOSFET driving circuit and voltage protection circuit,are introduced.Based on the parameters worked out,the paper gives the simulation of whole system in Matlab/Simulink.This paper also introduces the firmware design based on the DSP(TMS320F2812). The last is the verification of whole system including hardware and software by t)


Photovoltaic Inverter BASED 2812dsp.kdh,2212666,2011-02-10



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