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于 2008-08-16 发布 文件大小:3134KB
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  简单聊天软件,简单易学 winscok2.0 (Simple chat software, easy to learn winscok2.0)



0 个回复

  • Net
    黑客攻击与防范技术,我所保存的最全的网络安全资料。(Hacker attacks and prevention techniques, I have saved the most complete network security information.)
    2010-03-10 13:20:04下载
  • WinSockUDP
    VC UDP通讯,后台服务器 FileMana.cpp FileMana.h Login.cpp Login.h resource.h SocketUdp.cpp SocketUdp.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h WinSockUDP.aps WinSockUDP.clw WinSockUDP.cpp WinSockUDP.dsp WinSockUDP.dsw WinSockUDP.h WinSockUDP.ncb WinSockUDP.opt WinSockUDP.plg WinSockUDP.rc WinSockUDP.sln WinSockUDP.vcproj WinSockUDP.vcproj.T400-CKX.Administrator.user WinSockUDPDlg.cpp WinSockUDPDlg.h( FileMana.cpp FileMana.h Login.cpp Login.h resource.h SocketUdp.cpp SocketUdp.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h WinSockUDP.aps WinSockUDP.clw WinSockUDP.cpp WinSockUDP.dsp WinSockUDP.dsw WinSockUDP.h WinSockUDP.ncb WinSockUDP.opt WinSockUDP.plg WinSockUDP.rc WinSockUDP.sln WinSockUDP.vcproj WinSockUDP.vcproj.T400-CKX.Administrator.user WinSockUDPDlg.cpp WinSockUDPDlg.h)
    2012-05-24 14:41:07下载
  • WinPcap
    WinPcap中文帮助手册,网络编程必备帮助文档,包含了大量的函数。(WinPcap Chinese help manuals, network programming necessary to help document, contains a large number of functions.)
    2009-01-10 15:39:48下载
  • mptropclitan
    Simple employee information system program()
    2018-05-20 21:12:01下载
  • aonitor-domain-number
    材料力学课程的作业,用于惯性矩的计算,但也是我平时学VB的积累,(The homework in the mechanics of materials course is used for the calculation of moment of inertia, but it is also the accumulation of VB in my usual study.)
    2018-12-05 05:07:55下载
  • rtsp_for_VC
    很好的RTSP实现,分享给大家使用,已经建有VC工程(Good RTSP implementation, we used to share)
    2010-12-23 17:17:47下载
  • KONI
    可以参考直接使用S7协议连接西门子plc(You can refer to the direct use of the S7 protocol to connect SIEMENS PLC)
    2018-05-14 11:51:16下载
  • 4
    说明:  理解局域网的定义、特点 了解局域网的介质访问控制方法 了解以太网技术 了解局域网组网类型(Understand the definition of LAN and characteristics about LAN Ethernet media access control approach to understanding the technical understanding of LAN networking types)
    2010-05-26 10:09:58下载
  • eMuleBT_Src
    eMuleBT驴 源程序,是一个较好的使用p2p技术的实现,其流行也带动了p2p技术的快速发展。(donkey eMuleBT source is a better use of p2p technology, realize, and its popularity has also led to the rapid development of p2p technologies.)
    2008-07-01 10:56:14下载
  • open_pc_and_port_scan
    网络活动主机和开放端口扫描源程序,含开发文档,基于C#的rawsocket开发,支持 多线程 支持ARP,ICMP协议的活动主机扫描,支持TCP connect syn fin 三种方式的开放端口扫描,支持udp端口扫描(Networking activities, the host and open source port scan, including the development of the document, based on the C# The rawsocket development, support for multi-threaded support for ARP, ICMP scanning hosting agreement to support the TCP connect syn fin three ways of opening up port scanning, support udp port scan)
    2020-11-01 21:50:01下载
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