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  多多留言本采用PHP+MYSQL的完美组合,速度上力求运行快捷,功能上力求简洁实用,操作上力求容易方便,适合各种网站做留言系统。 主要功能: 1、验证码发帖,有效避免垃圾信息; 2、过滤HTML代码,运行更安全; 3、后台可将留言置顶、删除、回复、编辑等常规操作; 4、可设置留言版标题、留言版LOGO、每页显示留言条数等;可以方便嵌入您的网站中; 5、新留言标记显示功能; 后台管理帐号及密码在安装时由您自己设定!(A lot of messages this used PHP+ MYSQL perfect combination, speed, seek to run fast, try to be brief and practical functions, easy operation seek convenient and suitable for a variety of Web site message system to do. Main functions: one, posting Verification Code, effective way to avoid spam 2, filter HTML code, run more secure 3, the background can be set-top message, delete, reply, edit, such as conventional operation 4, to set the message board title , message boards LOGO, Article message per page, etc. can be easily embedded in your website 5, new tag display Admin account and password during installation by setting your own!)



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