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  M.Jnakiram chapter 5 on MIMO



0 个回复

  • XOR
    very important for student in biomedical Engineering and sience
    2010-07-12 23:03:25下载
  • wimax-mimo
    codage matlab winmax mimo
    2009-10-18 23:33:44下载
  • Quickplot
    本人自编的一个快速作图,功能强大的matlab GUI 界面程序。其主要功能如下: 1.导入工作空间变量(X,Y):导入工作空间变量,并提取类型为数组的变量。 2.绘图(plot):多种模式,包括1对1,1对多,多对多。如x1—y1 x1—y1,y2;x1,x2—y1,y2。 3.快速标准化图形(NormalFig):快速设置图形格式,以达到论文图片要求。字体大小,线型粗细等 4.可以手动设置格式 5.可以设置为笛卡尔坐标,也可以设置为对数坐标 6.右键执行命令:“Execute”旁的可编辑框,输入命令,右键执行。右键执行的好处是:可以保存变量到工作空间,实现非连续执行命令。 7.符号函数简易绘图(Ezplot):快速绘制函数图,并可设置区间,区间设置用“ ”隔开。 8.锁定(lock):锁定,即图形绘制在GUI坐标轴内;解锁,新建Fig,绘制图形,方便输出 9.保持和编辑(Hold,EditPlot),编译后exe,亦可对图形进行拾取设置 另还有对变量转置等功能。 整个程序中,如操作失误,每处错误都有提示。 (It is a matlab program,which can help you plot beautiful figures easily,or make you learn some programming skills. In a word,it is a useful program and tool.)
    2013-05-02 22:42:47下载
    详细的源程序介绍matlab设计各种滤波器,包括切比雪夫,巴特沃兹等滤波器的设计(The detailed design of various filters matlab source description, including Chebyshev, Butterworth filter design, etc.)
    2009-10-30 11:26:57下载
  • Acc_Water_hammer
    The remarkable advance in hydraulic and electrohydraulic power systems resulted in producing control valves of very short settling time. The rapid closure of hydraulic transmission lines leads to severe pressure surge. Thattached Simulink file is developed to evaluate the applicability of oleo-pneumatic accumulators for the protection against this phenomenon. A lumped parameter model was developed for the transmission line, assuming four lumps, considering the effect of line resistance, inertia and capacitance.
    2011-02-01 16:16:06下载
  • generatethecircle
    Generate a great circle "trajectory" from [lat1,lon1] to [lat2, lon2]. % Resulting points will be seperated by approximately delta_ft feet. % By default, delta_ft = 100 feet. All lat/lon inputs & outputs are in % degrees. (Generate a great circle trajectory from [lat1, lon1] to [lat2, lon2]. Resulting points will be seperated by approximately delta_ft feet. By default, delta_ft = 100 feet. All lat/lon inputs )
    2007-12-20 00:12:40下载
  • Sobel
    This Matlab code shows how to perform edge detection by Sobel method in horizontal & vertical direction and the effect of increasing and decreasing the threshold value . Besides, you can try to perform the edge detection by other method in the same ways such as Prewitt , Roberts , Canny and others.
    2010-11-02 09:15:19下载
  • smartjam
    灵巧干扰对直接序列扩频信号发射机和接收机的干扰仿真程序,包括通信发射机电路、接收机捕获电路、码跟踪电路、载波捕获电路、防假捕电路、信噪比估计电路和数据解调电路等等(Smart interference on direct sequence spread spectrum signal transmitter and receiver interference simulation program, including communications transmitter circuit, receiver capture circuit, code tracking circuit, the carrier capture circuit, anti-fake fishing circuit, SNR estimation circuit and data solution tone circuits, etc.)
    2010-03-12 18:52:03下载
  • ImpulseNoise
    Impulse_Noise 的matlab编程实现(Impulse_Noise the matlab programming)
    2011-04-24 13:56:25下载
  • cholesky.cpp
    Soluç ã o de Equaç ã o Diferencial Ordinária - Método do Ponto Médio
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