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于 2011-02-01 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  This code simulates distance vector routing of communication networks



0 个回复

  • bp-regression
    BP网络的回归模拟,想研究的朋友可以参考(The return of BP network simulation can refer friends to the study)
    2010-12-01 10:36:04下载
  • wavlet_denoise
    说明:   此函数用于研究Mallet算法及滤波器设计 此函数用于消噪处理 分解的高频系数采用db9较好,即它的消失矩较大 分解的有用信号小波高频系数基本趋于零 对于噪声信号高频分解系数很大,便于阈值消噪处理(this function for research Mallet filter algorithm design and function for Denoising decomposition of high-frequency coefficients Terminal better that it's vanishing moments larger decomposition of useful signal, high-frequency coefficients tends to zero for high-frequency signal noise decomposition coefficient great ease threshold Denoising)
    2006-04-03 21:17:39下载
  • matlab-modeling-algorithm(3)
    本资料包含了系统的matlab建模用算法(This information includes system modeling with matlab algorithm)
    2013-08-03 19:47:17下载
  • SAR_chegnxiang
    synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms 英文书的附带源代码,书是全英文的,作者是Mehrdad Soumekh。我没有电子书,只有复印的。 此成像算法包括一维距离像、条带式、聚束式等多种模式的SAR成像。可以作为有一定SAR基础的同行的编程参考。 友情提供(synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms English books with source code, book is in English, the author is Mehrdad Soumekh. I do not have e-books, only a photocopy was made. The imaging algorithm includes a one-dimensional range profile, band type, spotlight SAR imaging a variety of modes. SAR can be used as the basis of a certain peer programming reference. Friendly offer)
    2021-04-22 16:48:49下载
  • zengguangzuixiaoercheng
    增广最小二乘的matlab算法,简单易学。注释完全,可以很好理解算法。(broaden the Matlab least-squares algorithm is easy. Notes entirely, a good understanding of algorithms.)
    2006-06-28 09:22:51下载
  • wx_text_to_access
    这是用于在matlab中实现从文本文件中读取数据,并写入到access中的程序。(This is used to realize matlab in text file from the read data and write to access the program.)
    2008-02-25 16:23:27下载
  • Meteorological-Data-Processing
    这是根据系留艇采集的数据,分析某地24小时内,各气象要素随高度的变化。(This is based on data collected by the boat mooring, analysis of a place within 24 hours, the meteorological elements variation with height. )
    2011-07-18 22:58:43下载
  • Matlab-C-CPP-Graphics-Library-Users-Guide
    Matlab C-C++ Graphics Library User s Guide
    2013-02-06 08:34:03下载
  • Blind-Signal-Separation
    This paper presents a new algorithm to extract the fetal ECG from an ECG recorded on the mother’s abdomen. The algorithm consists of two steps: first, ECG of fetus is extracted from the original signal using a two-level wavelet transform. We use Daubechie wavelet transform, which is similar in shape to heart beat wave. The resulted signal is then low-pass filtered using the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter to attenuate the effect of noise. The filtered signal is considered as the fetal ECG. The algorithm was applied on both synthetic and real ECG signals. The results in this paper show that the proposed algorithm has promising performance.
    2011-12-07 20:22:57下载
    数字PID的matlab仿真程序,针对刘金琨的先进PID控制的matlab仿真,里面的部分程序进行了修改 第四章(Digital PID of matlab simulation program for Liu Jinkun matlab advanced PID control simulation, which part of the program were modified Chapter)
    2011-04-22 21:14:40下载
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