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于 2008-08-13 发布 文件大小:86KB
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  vc实现的windows平台下GE MMT列车监控协议(vc realize the windows platform GE MMT Train Supervision agreement)



0 个回复

  • daibaishai
    大白鲨远控1.1共享版 无后门免杀过360 瑞星等杀毒软件 自动上线功能 带键盘记录 只要把配制文件发给对方运行就可以实现远程控制(Jaws remote control version 1.1, no back door to avoid sharing killed a 360 RISING antivirus software such as automatic on-line function with a keyboard record as long as the configuration file can be distributed to the other remote control operation)
    2010-05-20 20:58:30下载
  • guidedfilter_vc
    本文件为引导滤波算法的程序文件,为VC++编码,根据何凯明博士的文章《Guided Image Filtering》讲述的原理编写而成,具有很好的边缘保持特性,是作为作者在前一篇讲解去雾算法的文章《Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior》的补充,当然也可以用于其他的滤波算法中(This document is a boot file filtering algorithm for VC++ coding, according to Dr. He Kaiming article " Guided Image Filtering" principle tells prepared, with good edge retention characteristics, as an explanation of the previous algorithm decontamination The article " Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior" supplement, of course, can also be used for other filtering algorithms)
    2021-04-22 18:08:48下载
  • LLK-game-Visual-CPP-MFC
    连连看服务器游戏对战平台软件包括服务端和客户端源代码,服务端采用IOCP机制,可实现多人联网对战,并带有项目说明文档,源代码标有注释。并且游戏界面十分美观。(Battle Snake game server platform software, including server and client source code, the server uses IOCP mechanism, enabling networked multiplayer gaming, and with the project documentation, source code is marked with comments. And the game interface is very beautiful.)
    2020-12-02 20:19:26下载
  • w_ipp-sample-cPP_p_5.1.006
    ipp-sample-c++,错误快速检测代码,可以迅速定位程序错误,另外杜绝缓冲区溢出,提供X86 CPU的函数库(ipp-sample-c++, fast error detection code, you can quickly locate bugs, the other to prevent buffer overflow, the library provides X86 CPU)
    2011-10-07 20:01:16下载
  • ComboboxListbox
    remplir Combobox ou Listbox.xls
    2014-10-05 04:18:06下载
  • Serial-ports
    linux下的串口通讯代码,方便修改以实现多种串口通讯功能(under linux serial communication code to facilitate modified to achieve a variety of serial communication functions)
    2013-11-17 14:39:41下载
  • Zeus
    网络内容过滤系统,使用中间层驱动过滤IP,LSP过滤URL和关键字!(Text content, url, URL, ip filter voice prompts can be issued according to the text, and fast alarm 3 software set certain security measures to protect and prevent tampering and unauthorized access 4. Through illegal information characteristics to upgrade the feature library.)
    2012-08-10 10:23:48下载
  • VC_examples
    实例12-1:使用用户界面线程实例。源代码在光盘中“12InterfaceThread”目录下。 实例12-2:使用工作者线程实例。源代码在光盘中“12ControlThread”目录下。 实例12-3:多线程实例。源代码在光盘中“12WQDemo”目录下。 实例12-4:线程间的通信。源代码在光盘中“12ThreadCommu”目录下。 实例13-1:动态链接库(Dll)实例。源代码在光盘中“13dlltest ”目录下。 实例13-2:鼠标钩子应用实例。源代码在光盘中“13MouseHook”目录下。 实例13-3:键盘钩子应用实例。源代码在光盘中“13KeyboardHook”目录下。 实例14-1:WinSock网络程序:聊天室。源代码在光盘中“14WinSocketChat”目录下。 实例14-2:利用MSComm控件进行串口数据传输。源代码在光盘中“14MSComm”目录下。 实例14-3:简单的WinInet应用程序。源代码在光盘中“14SimpleNet”目录下。 实例15-1:创建Access数据库。源代码在光盘的“15Info”中。 实例15-2:MFC的ODBC数据库实例。源代码在光盘中“15Enroll”目录下。 实例15-3:利用ADO查询并操作数据库实例。源代码在光盘中“15AdoTest”目录下。(InterfaceThread ControlThread ThreadCommu )
    2009-11-17 23:23:22下载
  • snow
    D3D开发的粒子系统应用,雪的效果逼真,算法经典。(D3D development of particle system applications, the effect of real snow, the classic algorithm.)
    2010-06-22 21:51:23下载
  • draw
    用vc开发的画图程序,供学习vc使用,是入门MFC的好资料(Development of the Paint program with vc, vc used for learning is good data entry MFC)
    2011-04-28 08:52:31下载
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