首页 » matlab » nonlinearmultigridmethodforimageprocess


于 2010-03-07 发布 文件大小:231KB
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  非线性多网格方法进行图像处理的程序,采用二重网格法进行图像去噪,中间插值用九点延拓(Non-linear multi-grid method for image processing procedure for the two-grid method for image denoising, in the middle with 9:00 interpolation Extension)



0 个回复

  • BM3D
    关于高斯噪声去除的目前最优秀的算法 BM3D 欢迎大家交流学习(Welcome About the best algorithm BM3D Gaussian noise removal the exchange of learning)
    2012-10-24 21:37:06下载
  • printedprincipal_components
    是一个主成份分析的初学文章写的很好的可以学习很多东西(Principal component analysis is an article written by the beginner can learn a lot of good things)
    2007-10-09 08:35:20下载
  • MATLABCodeToCcode
    Matlab自动生成代码的教程,可用于汽车,航天等行业(Matlab tutorial automatically generated code can be used in automotive, aerospace and other industries)
    2010-10-16 13:25:00下载
  • 12DS_uwbprogram
    System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
    2011-04-23 07:58:56下载
  • thin-film-design
    光学薄膜设计与优化,列举和对比介绍了多种光学薄膜的设计方法与优化技术。(Design and optimization of optical films, lists and describes the design method comparing a variety of optical films and optimization techniques.)
    2014-10-23 10:58:10下载
  • 2
    说明:  都是关于空间普估计算法,其中有解相干和非相干算法以及它们之间的对比( the spatial spectrum estimation)
    2012-04-25 11:27:41下载
  • PIC
    程序均用matlab编写 ch ex 的文件是信号与系统频谱密度函数或者时移特性的展示 Advanced_Mathematica_picture_zoom是利用二次线性内插值法对彩色图片进行任意倍数的放大 每个程序都含有详细的注释(Programs are written in matlab chex file is spectrum density of signal and system function or moving features of the display Advanced_Mathematica_picture_zoom using quadratic linear interpolation method in arbitrary multiple amplification was carried out on the color images Every program contains detailed annotations)
    2014-09-10 20:40:49下载
    MATLAB(矩阵实验室)是MATrix LABoratory的缩写,是一款由美国The MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件。MATLAB是一种用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境。除了矩阵运算、绘制函数/数据图像等常用功能外,MATLAB还可以用来创建用户界面及与调用其它语言(包括C,C++和FORTRAN)编写的程序。(MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) is The abbreviation of MATrix LABoratory, is a by The United States The MathWorks company production of a commercial mathematical software. MATLAB is a kind of for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis and numerical calculation of senior technical computing language and interactive environment. Besides drawing function/data image matrix operations, commonly used functions, such as MATLAB can also be used to create the user interface and the calls to other languages (including C, C++ and FORTRAN) program. )
    2013-10-18 17:44:50下载
  • NHT1d
    采用以下四种格式:中心差分、一阶迎风、混合格式和QUICK格式对一维稳态无源项的对流-扩散方程进行求解(The following four formats: central difference, the first order upwind, QUICK format mixed formats and one-dimensional steady-state passive entry of convection- diffusion equations were solved)
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