将RGB彩色空间转换到HSI彩色空间,HSI彩色空间更接近人眼对彩色的认知。(The RGB color space conversion to the HSI color space, HSI color space is closer to the human eye color perception.)
- 2013-08-18 08:12:48下载
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说明: matlab实现人眼精确定位 实现效果良好(Accurate eye location by MATLAB)
- 2021-04-07 21:39:01下载
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分三种类型实现分水岭算法:一般分水岭分割、使用梯度的两次分水岭分割、使用梯度加掩模的三次分水岭算法(Realize three types of sub-watershed algorithm: a general watershed segmentation, the use of two gradient watershed segmentation, the use of gradient mask plus three watershed algorithm)
- 2008-05-21 18:08:03下载
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箔条干扰的特性与雷达抗箔条技术研究,对雷达制导导引头的干扰技术进行系统研究(Characteristics of the anti-radar chaff and chaff research technology, the interference radar guidance seeker system research)
- 2015-07-14 01:08:07下载
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附带GUI界面,可用于各种图像的特征点提取,并对两幅图像进行配准拼接,使用的是sift算法( U9644 u5E26G0 u754C u972 u53EF u7528 u4E8E u5404 u79V U8FDB u884C u914D u51C6 u62FC u63A5 uFF0C u4F7F u7528 u7684 u662Fsift u7B97 u6CD5)
- 2020-08-29 14:58:12下载
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说明: 国外编写的双树复小波的一个开发包,包括1维和2维的情况,文件中有说明。(The Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet prepared outside of a development package, including the one-dimensional and two-dimensional case, the document has made it clear.)
- 2010-03-17 12:00:10下载
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read envi headers images
- 2020-10-20 14:17:25下载
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医学图像处理:P0701:细胞边缘检测;702:癌细胞形态学分析;P0703:癌细胞颜色分析(Medical Image Processing: P0701: cell edge detection 702: morphological analysis of cancer cells P0703: color analysis of cancer cells)
- 2009-03-07 09:07:34下载
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被动导引头辐射源跟踪新算法研究:粒子滤波+UKF的跟踪方法文献(The passive seeker radiation source tracking the new algorithm: particle filter tracking methods literature+UKF)
- 2012-09-12 14:19:41下载
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用MATLAB读取一幅图像,并且计算其图像信噪比(Using MATLAB to read an image and calculate the image SNR)
- 2009-03-21 14:39:19下载
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