首页 » matlab » DRNNTunningPIDControlerforcouplingplant


于 2009-07-12 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  DRNN神经网络自学习PID解藕控制,与PID相比具有抗干扰能力强特点(DRNN self-learning neural network PID control solution lotus, compared with PID characteristics of anti-interference ability)



0 个回复

  • music_capon_practice
    说明:  对比capon和music算法的测向效果,music采用特征分解法,测向比Capone更准确(Comparison of capon and music finding algorithm results, music by feature decomposition method, finding more accurate than Capone)
    2010-03-31 22:39:26下载
  • standing_wave
    plotting voltage standing waves on a transmission line terminated with a complex load ZL
    2011-05-24 16:35:49下载
  • Richardson
    里查得森(Richardson)法解偏微分方程的程序。解的是定步长的抛物型偏微分方程: du/dx - a * d2u/dx2 = 0 在程序中可以更改 a 的值以实现不同系数的解。由于它是一种显式格式,解的结果不稳定 在Matlab7下面运行发现竟然有一些值达到十的几十次方,这是算法本身决定的。不是程序有错误(Richard Anderson (Richardson) Solving partial differential equations procedures. Solution is scheduled to step parabolic partial differential equation: du/dx- a* d2u/dx2 = 0 in the procedure can be changed in order to realize the value of a different coefficient of the solution. Because it is an explicit format, the result of instability in the solution of the following Matlab7 running even found some value reached ten dozens of parties, this is the decision algorithm itself. Not a procedural error)
    2008-04-20 23:22:00下载
  • pinpulvbo
    说明:  利用MATLAB编的程序段可以实现计算机制全息图及数字全息图的频谱滤波(Procedures for the use of MATLAB can be achieved above the computer system and digital hologram hologram spectrum filtering)
    2009-07-28 01:05:52下载
  • PBP
    用 LDPC 解码法,对原始信号通道的噪声进行评估,消去。具体原理可参照IEEE TCOM的论文。(Channel Noise Estimation or correlation estimation for distributed source coding Using Particle based Belief Propagation for LDPC decoding in AWGN and BSC models. This code is partially based on our published journal papers with some additional improvements. In this code, we removed the parameter lambda to reduce the number of free parameters. PBP estimator is distributed in the hope that is will be useful, but without any warranty. The codes have not been optimized, so the estimation speed may be slow. To use PBP estimator source code in your research, please cite our journal papers published in IEEE TCOM. )
    2013-01-07 20:10:03下载
  • simulink
    简单描述了SIMULINK的基础知识,是初学者较好的教材(Briefly describes the basics of SIMULINK is a good textbook for beginners)
    2010-05-06 19:52:28下载
  • figureopt
    matlab经典算法的程序-特殊绘图,figure operation(classical algorithm matlab procedures- special drawing, figure operation)
    2007-12-09 11:05:19下载
  • RoughandAHP
    关于粗糙集与层次分析法组合预测的论文,来源中国期刊网。(on rough sets and AHP portfolio forecast papers, the source of China Journal Net.)
    2006-12-23 15:27:14下载
  • pinlvhanshu
    此实验是用于设计频率响应函数,有实验步骤和MATLAB代码。(It is very useful.)
    2012-11-02 23:10:46下载
  • Comparison_of_ed_Rayleigh_vs_awgn
    compares ed for different wireless channels
    2014-01-24 16:05:11下载
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