本算法在Matlab2008b 环境下实现了立体视觉中摄像机的基础矩阵计算。包括main, sevenPoint、eightpoint 和eightpoint_norm三个函数。 main.m 是程序的入口,包括生成和读入实验数据,分别调用sevenPoint、eightpoint 和eightpoint_norm 三个函数求基础矩阵,最后绘制出最后的结果。sevenPoint.m 是用7 点法求解基础矩阵。eightpoint.m 是用8 点法求解基础矩阵,eightpoint_norm.m 是数据规格化后的8 点法求解基础矩阵。(The algorithm is implemented in Matlab2008b environment based stereo vision camera matrix calculations. Including the main, sevenPoint, eightpoint and eightpoint_norm three functions. main.m is the entry, including the generation and reading test data were calling sevenPoint, eightpoint and eightpoint_norm three fundamental matrix function evaluation, and finally draw the final result. sevenPoint.m 7 method is based on matrix. eightpoint.m 8-point method is based on matrix, eightpoint_norm.m the data after the 8-bit normalized fundamental matrix method. )