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于 2010-03-06 发布 文件大小:15KB
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  三相异步电机的SPWM矢量控制的mdl模型,采用的matlab 版本为matlab 2009(SPWM three-phase induction motor vector control mdl model, using the matlab version of matlab 2009)



0 个回复

  • zlddjzd
    说明:  利用MATLAB语言编写的直流电动机制动特性分析的程序(The use of MATLAB language of DC motor braking characteristics of process)
    2009-08-22 12:03:25下载
  • three_dim_plot
    The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.01 seconds in order to filter out the high frequency components or harmonics from these signals as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. The filtered current and voltage signals (Ipv_F and Vpv_F) are then fed into the MPPT control block that uses the Incremental Conductance Tracking Algorithm. An algorithm that is based on the fact the slope of the PV array power curve shown in Fig. 7 is zero at the Maximum Power Point (MPP), positive on the left of the MPP, and negative on the right. The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental conductance (∆ I/∆ V) [11] as in (1):
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