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于 2011-01-24 发布 文件大小:826KB
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  GUI with Matlab。Written By: Yair Moshe。GUI with Matlab - Outline 1. Basic Graphics 2. Animation 3. Handle Graphics Objects 4. Creating GUI using GUIDE(GUI with Matlab。Written By: Yair Moshe。GUI with Matlab- Outline 1. Basic Graphics 2. Animation 3. Handle Graphics Objects 4. Creating GUI using GUIDE)



0 个回复

  • ranging_and_positioning
    该文件包含所有的测距定位算法,能够适用于无线传感器网络定位以及蜂窝网的终端定位。(This file contains all of the distance positioning algorithm, can be applied to wireless sensor network localization and cellular network terminal positioning.)
    2013-07-10 17:28:27下载
  • c13_tiv1
    发生在时变系统中所展示的频谱扩展。待仿真系统是一个简单系统,其中系统的代桶输入是一个形为x(t)=cos[2π(f0+f1)t]的“音频”。(Occurred in the time-varying system in spread spectrum display. Subject to the simulation system is a simple system in which the generation of the system input is a bucket-shaped to x (t) = cos [2π (f0+f1) t] of the " audio." )
    2013-09-07 09:14:40下载
  • hs_err_pi
    matlab基础学习资料实例,包括符号运算,绘图以及基础编程,也包含线性代数实验及matlab在在线性代数中的应用(Examples matlab-based learning materials, including symbolic computation, graphics and basic programming, linear algebra also contains experimental and matlab applications of linear algebra)
    2013-12-27 19:25:27下载
  • dtc
    在matlab r2010a环境下按照博士论文中规中矩建立的直接转矩控制模型,反馈转矩如果采用电机模型输出的转矩系统能很好的工作(Model of direct torque control in matlab r2010a environment in accordance with the established law-abiding, PhD thesis, feedback torque output torque of the motor model system can work well)
    2013-03-08 12:03:21下载
  • basic_lane_detection
    车道线检测的matlab实现,能够准确实现车道线,通过霍夫变换。(Lane line detection matlab implementation, it is possible to achieve accurate lane by Hough transform.)
    2016-05-16 16:59:06下载
  • gray_img_introp
    2010-07-26 09:27:35下载
  • base_kmeans_imgseg_medicalimg
    lMATLAB, which stands for MATrix LABoratory, is a state-of-the-art mathematical software package, which is used extensively in both academia and industry. It is an interactive program for numerical computation and data visualization, which along with its programming capabilities provides a very useful tool for almost all areas of science and engineering. Unlike other mathematical packages, such as MAPLE or MATHEMATICA, MATLAB cannot perform symbolic manipulations without the use of additional Toolboxes. It remains however, one of the leading software packages for numerical computation
    2010-12-31 18:42:41下载
  • chazhi
    对函数插值的理解与运用,重在掌握插值语句的使用与认识(On the understanding and use of the interpolation function, focusing grasp and understanding of the use of interpolation statement)
    2013-12-25 14:40:30下载
  • cxn_Waveletpacket
    对信号进行小波包分解,得出能量分布图,然后根据分解结果处理信号!(Wavelet packet decomposition of signals obtained energy distribution and signal processing based on decomposition!)
    2010-09-24 12:25:01下载
  • fadinggmsk
    通信原理matlab仿真中在衰落环境下的guass最小频移键控(Matlab simulation of communication theory in the fading environment guass minimum shift keying)
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