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于 2011-01-23 发布 文件大小:433KB
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  designing an quadrotor with pid controller



0 个回复

  • MATLAB50examples
    matlab 50个练习的好例子,包括常见的算法和数学公式,方便学习(matlab 50 months of good practice examples, including the common algorithms and mathematical formulas to facilitate the learning)
    2008-04-21 15:30:55下载
  • tutorial_1_C
    This simulation work belongs to STATCOM model. User may get he basic idea of PWM generation
    2014-10-29 00:51:02下载
  • surf2dxf
    将matlab中的三维数据导成autocad可读的dxf格式(The three-dimensional data matlab lead into autocad dxf readable format)
    2020-06-30 21:20:02下载
  • 123455
    LTE系统中频率调度算法,利用该程序可以实现小区间干扰协调,非常适合初学者。(Frequency scheduling algorithm in LTE system, using the program can realize the inter cell interference coordination, very suitable for beginners.)
    2014-08-20 13:14:02下载
  • labview
    基于labview时频分析,在线故障诊断(for labview)
    2021-01-18 15:18:45下载
  • program
    估计Hilbert矩阵的2条件数和矩阵的阶数的关系用Gauss消去,分别用Gauss消去,Jacobi迭代,Gauss-seidel迭代,SOR迭代和共轭梯度法求解,比较结果。(Discuss the 2 condition number of the matrix and the matrix order relations.Using different methods like Gauss,Jacobi,Gauss-seidel,SOR and GS)
    2013-12-30 22:40:14下载
  • matlabedgethinning
    用matlab实现边缘细化的算法及原理,同时还有一个简单的例子帮助理解(With the edge of matlab implementation of the algorithm and the principle of refinement, at the same time have a simple example to help understand)
    2009-03-29 13:39:19下载
  • modelo_nolineal_tanque
    non-linear tank model on matlab
    2009-11-19 23:07:04下载
  • gavno
    In numerical linear algebra, the Gauss–Seidel method, also known as the Liebmann method or the method of successive displacement, is an iterative method used to solve a linear system of equations. It is named after the German mathematicians Carl Friedrich Gauss and Philipp Ludwig von Seidel, and is similar to the Jacobi method. Though it can be applied to any matrix with non-zero elements on the diagonals, convergence is guaranteed if the matrix is either diagonally dominant, or symmetric and positive definite.
    2010-12-13 18:27:16下载
  • lmd
    局部均值分解是由Smith提出的一种新的非线性和非平稳信号分析方法。由于LMD是依据信号本身的信息进行自适应分解的,产生的PF分量具有真实的物理意义,由此得到的时频分布能够清晰准确地反映出信号能量在空间各尺度上的分布规律。(Local mean decomposition is a new nonlinear and non-stationary signal analysis method proposed by the Smith. Since LMD information is based adaptive signal itself decomposed, resulting PF component has real physical meaning, when the resultant frequency distribution of the signal can be clearly and accurately reflect the spatial distribution of the energy of each scale.)
    2013-12-03 15:19:12下载
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