Run Application =============== Windows: Doubleclick the BicAT_v2.2.jar file Linux: type ./run_linux to start the application. Solaris: type ./run_solaris to start the application. possible problems: ================== Make sure the environment variables are properly set! CLASSPATH (should be ok) LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ./lib/linux ./lib/solaris Sample Data Files ================= dataSample_1.txt - use offsets (1,1) (data are already logarithmized) dataSample_2.txt - use offsets (1,1) (Run Application =============== Windows: Doubleclick the BicAT_v2.2.jar file Linux: type ./run_linux to start the application. Solaris: type ./run_solaris to start the application. possible problems: ================== Make sure the environment variables are properly set! CLASSPATH (should be ok) LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ./lib/linux ./lib/solaris Sample Data Files ================= dataSample_1.txt- use offsets (1,1) (data are already logarithmized) dataSample_2.txt- use offsets (1,1) )