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于 2011-01-21 发布 文件大小:3818KB
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  这里是vc与matlab混编的一些资料,希望能帮到大家啊!(Here is the matlab vc mixed with some of the information, hope to help you ah!)



0 个回复

  • DMC2210-sofware-V1.3
    这是DMC2210控制卡的软件使用手册,通过该手册开发人员可以了解DMC2210控制卡的编程要求,规格等,为编程做好准备。(This is DMC2210 control card software manuals, through which developers can learn manual programming requirements DMC2210 control card, specifications, etc., to prepare for the program.)
    2014-01-15 11:59:57下载
  • emailparser
    解析email的源代码。 mine协议 解码译码(analytic email source. Mine agreement decoder decoding)
    2006-10-22 14:00:09下载
  • VC++.doc
    VC++环境下调用MATLAB,其中路径的设置请根据自己电脑中的位置做相应修改(VC++ Environment called MATLAB, which set up the path, please according to their own computers make consequential amendments to the location of)
    2008-05-07 13:17:18下载
  • test0001
    复数计算,使用类来做的,可以选择自己要计算的方式(Complex calculation, using the class to do, and can choose their own way to calculate the)
    2009-12-02 20:07:56下载
  • sysidjob5
    此程序把M序列作为输入,使用最小二乘法对系统进行辨识,实现最小二乘的基本功能(M sequences in this program as input, using the least squares method to identify the basic functions of the least squares)
    2012-06-09 17:14:47下载
  • Monkey
    山上有m只猴子要选大王,选举办法如下:所有猴子从1到m进行编号并围坐一圈,从第一号开始按顺序1,2,...n继续报数,凡是报n号的猴子都退出到圈外,照此循环报数,直到圈内只剩下一只猴子时,这只猴子就是大王.输出大王的编号。 (Mountains have m of the monkeys to elect king, method of election are as follows: All monkeys are numbered from 1 to m, and sitting around a circle, to begin from the first order 1,2, ... n continue to report the number of those who reported that n No. The monkeys are out to outsiders the basis of this report the number of cycles until the circle only one monkey, the monkey is king. Output King number.)
    2009-12-28 14:00:29下载
  • normal_estimation
    估计一个点云数据的表面法线,表面法线是几何体表面的重要属性。(A point estimate the surface normal, surface normal geometrical surface cloud data is an important attribute volume.)
    2015-01-26 13:17:03下载
  • weixingdingwei
    作者在学习《航天系统》时,在c++6.0环境中实现的卫星定位的算法程序。包括通过轨道根数求卫星状态参数的算法和通过卫星状态参数反求卫星星历的算法。(Author of the study "space system" is in c++6.0 environment to achieve the satellite positioning algorithm. Including through the orbital parameters of the algorithm for the satellite status and Reverse status parameters via satellite satellite ephemeris algorithms.)
    2013-09-25 19:42:10下载
  • zong
    基于DCT的图像压缩及其MATLAB仿真实现,详细的过程可运行结果(DCT-based image compression and MATLAB Simulation, the process can run more results)
    2011-05-24 16:48:43下载
  • matlab
    自适应遗传算法matlab代码,主要用于配电网路故障后恢复的研究(Adaptive genetic algorithm matlab code, mainly for the distribution of network failure recovery)
    2013-05-29 21:20:25下载
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