说明: 迎着早晨的朝阳龙求凤长长的伸了一下懒腰,突然闻到一股香风向他袭来,闻着这熟悉的香味,知道这是他心爱的师柔身上的发出的迷人香味,转过身去将心爱的人儿紧紧地搂在怀里,"柔儿,怎么这么早就起来了,你的身体刚刚才好,应该多多休息一下。"(Demand facing the morning sun dragon phoenix long stretched a bit lazy waist, suddenly, he smelt a fragrant wind hit, smell the familiar fragrance, know that this is his favorite teacher charming issued soft body scent, turned to a loved one child tightly in his arms, " Rou Er, how so early up, just go about your body, it should be lot of rest." )