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  matlab的,希望对大家有用,谢谢多交流 (matlab, and I hope useful for everyone, thank you more exchanges)



0 个回复

  • CollectionsofWaterMarkingAttack
    关于各种数字水印攻击的MATLAB代码,可以用于仿真实验,调用方便简单(Digital watermarking attacks on a variety of MATLAB code that can be used for simulation experiments, to facilitate a simple call to)
    2009-11-13 09:04:31下载
  • GA-and-PSO
    GA遗传算法与PSO离子群组合算法matlab程序,以下是使用本程序的简单介绍与使用步骤 1)修改设计变量个数 NPar变量定义的是设计变量个数,本例为8,使用时需根据自己实际情况进行修改。 2)修改设计变量的上下限 VarLow 与VarHign定义的是设计变量的上下限,使用时需根据自己实际情况进行修改。记住,变量的维数,要与1)变量个数一致哦。 3)修改FunName 变量FunName定义的是优化目标函数值的计算函数,根据自己实际情况改成自己的函数名。 4)修改最大迭代次数MaxIterations 要根据自己的问题实际,通过试算找出合适的MaxIterations数。 如果,你对GA与PSO比较精通,还可以通过修改KeepPercent、CrossPercent来提高算法的效率,但是对于初学者来说,上述的步骤与操作已经足够,所以其它不再赘述。祝你好运! (GA genetic algorithm and PSO Ion combination algorithm matlab program, the following is a brief description of the use of this procedure with the use of step a) to modify the design variables are defined by the number of NPar variable number of design variables, in this case eight, when used according to need their actual situation changes. 2) modify the design variables on the lower limit is defined VarLow and VarHign upper and lower limits of design variables need to be modified when used according to their actual situation. Remember, dimensions variable, the number to be with a) variable consistency oh. 3) Modify FunName variable FunName definition is to optimize the objective function value calculation function, according to their actual situation into their own function name. 4) Modify the maximum number of iterations MaxIterations issue according to their actual, through spreadsheets to find the appropriate number MaxIterations. If you are more proficient GA and PSO, but also can)
    2020-10-15 21:07:33下载
  • Digital-Signal-Processing-Sanjit-K
    Plots 3 dimensional plot of a sinc wave
    2011-10-05 06:16:07下载
  • Split2
    GUI functions that can split the images in time/slices/column/row
    2012-09-08 03:48:39下载
  • poly
    objectarx 自定义实体例子 objectarx 自定义实体例子 objectarx 自定义实体例子(objectarx acdbentity test objectarx acdbentity test objectarx acdbentity test)
    2015-01-28 16:44:00下载
  • speech2text-master
    speech to text conversion implemented in MATLAB
    2014-12-01 13:16:54下载
  • milin
    计算米粒大小的总体分布对图像进行增强,结果显示该算法效果很好(rice detection matlab)
    2009-10-19 20:33:32下载
  • kinematics
    This document about method of solution kinematics problem in unit quaternions on matlab
    2011-02-11 17:27:45下载
  • vbandmatlab
    使用MATLAB中的COM生成器(comtool),将M文件生成DLL,于VB中引用.从MATLAB6.5开始,MATLAB提供了COM生成器,使用该生成器,可以将MATLAB函数和自定义的函数打包成组件,然后集成到支持该技术的应用程序中去.使用该技术,可以很大程度上脱离MATLAB环境. (The use of MATLAB)
    2007-10-20 16:00:53下载
  • LS
    说明:  对最小二乘法,进行了MATLAB仿真分析,性能不错(Of least squares, for the MATLAB simulation, good performance)
    2011-07-04 16:26:41下载
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