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于 2009-01-02 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  该代码实现了从光谱库读取高光谱曲线,并且去除其包络。这是高光谱图像处理时一个重要的预处理技术。(The code read from the spectral library of high spectral curve, and the removal of its envelope. This is a hyperspectral image processing, when an important pre-processing technology.)





0 个回复

  • image-segment
    图象分割程序:先用梯度函数进行边缘检测,然后二值化后分割图象(Image segmentation process: first the gradient edge detection function, and then after binarization image segmentation)
    2007-09-30 10:47:54下载
  • two
    :植物种类识别方法主要是根据叶片低维特征进行自动化鉴定。然而,低维特征不能全面描述叶片信息,识别准确率低,本文提 出一种基于多特征降维的植物叶片识别方法。首先通过数字图像处理技术对植物叶片彩色样本图像进行预处理,获得去除颜色、虫洞、 叶柄和背景的叶片二值图像、灰度图像和纹理图像。然后对二值图像提取几何特征和结构特征,对灰度图像提取 Hu不变矩特征、灰 度共生矩阵特征、局部二值模式特征和 Gabor 特征,对纹理图像提取分形维数,共得到 2183 维特征参数。再采用主成分分析与线性 评判分析相结合的方法对叶片多特征进行特征降维,将叶片高维特征数据降到低维空间。使用降维后的训练样本特征数据对支持向量 机分类器进行训练(plant species identification method is mainly based on blade automatic identification of low dimensional characteristics.However, can not fully describe blade low-dimensional feature information, identification accuracy is low, in this paper A kind of plant leaves recognition method based on multiple feature dimension reduction.First by digital image processing technology to the plant leaf color sample image preprocessing, obtain background color removal, wormhole, petioles, and the blades of a binary image, gray image and texture image.Then the binary image to extract the geometric characteristics and characteristics of structure and characteristics of gray image extraction Hu moment invariants, gray co-occurrence matrix feature, local binary pattern features and Gabor, to extract the fractal dimension of texture image, get 2183 d characteristic parameters.By principal component analysis and linear uation analysis method of combining the characteristics of blade more feature dimensi)
    2017-02-28 09:57:50下载
  • VariousSRinNonlinearity
    介绍了不同非线性模型在随机共振中的应用,像饱和非线性,阈值非线性等(Describes the different nonlinear model of stochastic resonance in the application, such as nonlinear saturation threshold nonlinearity. . . .)
    2020-12-28 10:09:02下载
  • 220KVmainelectricalwiringdiagram
    说明:  一个十分典型的220KV电气主接线图,让初学者能很好理解电气接线图的特点(A very typical 220KV main electrical wiring diagram, so that beginners can well understand the characteristics of electrical wiring diagram)
    2021-04-13 18:48:56下载
  • random
    蔡远利,西安交大,随机滤波与最优估计,非线性滤波,卡尔曼滤波,最小方差估计(optimal estimation)
    2010-06-21 22:29:53下载
  • SAR
    用于学习经典书籍《合成孔径雷达算法与实现》(to learn the book named<<digital processing of SAR Algorithms and implementation>>)
    2017-11-27 11:00:23下载
  • ncorr_2D_matlab-master
    可以非常有效地判断裂纹及其延展情况记号笔会uefnhnwefnv看文嵘胡江(cracksfs jefo jfowejfojslf vvojfowjfo klm waefwfea)
    2020-07-02 23:00:01下载
  • Inpainting--on-Wavelet-
    图像修复是图像处理的一个重要问题。这是一个困难的问题,同时填写在地区缺少图像信息的纹理和结构。以损坏的图像inpaint失踪的结构和纹理信息,基于小波分解的图像修补算法提出。首先损坏的图像分解成子图像和纹理结构,利用小波子图像转变。然后,地区结构中缺少的信息的子图像重建曲率驱动扩散(CDD),算法,而在同一区域的纹理子图像填写基于改进的纹理合成的典范 最后,恢复的图像,通过重组,结构和纹理恢复的结果。大量的实验表明,该算法可以快速,高效地恢复在同一时间的结构和纹理信息,视觉效果和峰值信噪比比(PSNR)比同类算法更好。(Image inpainting is an important problem image processing. It is a difficult problem to simultaneously fill-in the texture and structure in regions of missing image information. In order to inpaint the damaged image with both missing the structure and texture information, an image inpainting algorithm based on wavelet decomposition is presented. First the damaged image is decomposed into structure sub-image and texture sub-image using the wavelet transformation. Then, the sub-image with the region of missing information in the structure is reconstructed by Curvature-Driven Diffusions (CDD) algorithm, while the same region in the texture sub-image is filled-in with the improved texture synthesis based on exemplar Finally, the restored image is given by recombining the structure and texture restored results. A large number of experiments show that the proposed algorithm can quickly and efficiently restore the structure and texture information at the same time, and the visual eff)
    2012-06-05 22:04:45下载
  • kuaisuzishiyingyuzhifangfa
    一种快速图像阈值分割法,不是otsu或迭代法,Wellner 1993快速自适应的图像二值化方法,有具体使用方法,很详细(A fast image thresholding segmentation method, not otsu or iterative methods, Wellner 1993 fast adaptive image binarization method)
    2016-09-23 16:00:23下载
  • 37724099hsvfeature1
    说明:  基于视觉特征的图像特征提取,在HSV颜色空间提取彩色纹理特征(Based on the visual characteristics of image feature extraction, in the HSV color space, color texture feature extraction)
    2010-04-05 15:39:04下载
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