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于 2009-09-17 发布 文件大小:527KB
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  基于区域统计的融合规则,内含源码和源图像以及contourlet工具箱,直接出结果(Fusion rule based on regional statistics, containing source code and source images, and contourlet toolbox, directly results from)



0 个回复

  • chambolle projection
    应用投影算法对TV模型快速求解,并将算法应用到图像去噪中(The projection algorithm is used to solve the TV model quickly, and the algorithm is applied to image denoising)
    2017-11-05 14:42:43下载
  • ReadDICOM.tar
    Read one DICOM file with vtk bib
    2015-04-13 19:13:58下载
  • imagesegment
    此M文件主要利用区域生长和边缘检测进行图像分割(image segment by region grow )
    2010-01-20 11:35:17下载
  • KUANfiltering
    经典kuan滤波器,用于SAR图像相干斑抑制,提高分类精度。(The classical Kuan filter is used for SAR image speckle suppression and improve classification accuracy.)
    2021-03-04 22:09:32下载
  • 钢轨断面
    说明:  60轨CAD断面图,严格按照国家标准作图,60轨CAD断面图(Cross-sectional drawing of 60-rail CAD)
    2021-04-01 09:59:08下载
  • tu_xiang_he_bing
    程序进行了两张图片的简单合并,适合对控件的使用进行学习(Procedures carried out two simple merger picture, suitable for the control of the use of learning)
    2013-11-05 22:32:15下载
  • LDPC-code-theory-and-applications
    本书主要内容包括:第1章绪论,介绍了信道编码的理论来源和研究背景;第2章线性分组码,阐述了线性分组码的一般原理;第3章概述LDPC码的有关知识;第4章LDPC码校验矩阵构造,详细介绍了LDPC码的构造方式;第5章阐述了 LDPC的各种译码算法,包括本课题组提出的全新译码算法;第6章和第7章分别介绍了LDPC码的两种优化设计和分析方法,即密度进化和EXIT图;第8章介绍了LDPC码在编码调制系统中的应用;第9章介绍了基于LDPC码的链路自适应技术;第10章主要介绍了LDPC码在物理层、应用层联合优化系统中的应用;第11章介绍了LDPC码在图像数字水印系统中的应用。(LDPC code theory and applications)
    2015-02-27 10:44:32下载
  • C++源代码
    基本图像处理用C++的实现。包括平移旋转翻转边缘提取canny算子等(The basic image processing with C + +.)
    2017-12-20 15:51:55下载
  • fractalfenxingwei
    一个分形维的代码,用差分盒维计算图像的分形维值!还不错!(a fractal dimension of the code, with the difference box dimension calculations images of fractal dimension values! Also good!)
    2005-07-29 20:28:33下载
  • PCA
    主成分分析 ( Principal Component Analysis , PCA )或者主元分析。是一种掌握事物主要矛盾的统计分析方法,它可以从多元事物中解析出主要影响因素,揭示事物的本质,简化复杂的问题。计算主成分的目的是将高维数据投影到较低维空间。给定 n 个变量的 m 个观察值,形成一个 n ′ m 的数据矩阵, n 通常比较大。对于一个由多个变量描述的复杂事物,人们难以认识,那么是否可以抓住事物主要方面进行重点分析呢?如果事物的主要方面刚好体现在几个主要变量上,我们只需要将这几个变量分离出来,进行详细分析。但是,在一般情况下,并不能直接找出这样的关键变量。这时我们可以用原有变量的线性组合来表示事物的主要方面, PCA 就是这样一种分析方法。(Principal component analysis (Principal Component Analysis, PCA) or PCA. Is a statistical method to grasp the principal contradiction of things, it can be resolved diverse things out the main factors, revealing the essence of things, simplifying complex problems. The purpose of calculating the main component of high-dimensional data is projected to a lower dimensional space. Given n variables of m observations, forming an n ' m of the data matrix, n is usually large. For a complex matters described by several variables, it is difficult to know, so if you can grab something to focus on key aspects of analysis? If the main aspects of things just reflected on several key variables, we only need to separate out these few variables, for detailed analysis. However, in general, does not directly identify this critical variables. Then we can represent the major aspects of things with a linear combination of the original variables, PCA is one such analysis.)
    2021-01-28 21:48:40下载
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