本文提出一种联合盲自适应梯度算法的功率控制算法,该算法同时对功率向量和接收滤波器权向量进行迭代更新。仿真结果表明,采用本文提出 的功率控制算法, 在系统内用户发射总功率一定的条件下, 可以获得更高的用户信干比和更大的系统容量。(Throughout the monograph, we highlight the use of mathematical language and tools in the study of power control, including optimiza- tion theory, control theory, game theory, and linear algebra. Practical implementations of some of the algorithms in operational networks are discussed in the concluding chapter. As illustrated by the open prob- lems presented at the end of most chapters, in the area of power control in cellular networks, there are still many under-explored directions and unresolved issues that remain theoretically challenging and practically important.)