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于 2009-07-03 发布 文件大小:7790KB
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  Classical feedback control with MATLAB



0 个回复

  • 802.11a-OFDM-MATLAB
    使用matlab实现OFDM系统功能并仿真验证其功能 (Use matlab to realize the OFDM system simulation)
    2013-10-30 21:24:20下载
  • SMI_matlab
    基于smi的自适应波束成形,本程序给出了基于smi算法的自适应波束成形(Based the smi adaptive beamforming, the program gives the the SMI algorithm-based adaptive beamforming)
    2013-05-21 20:36:29下载
    文章简要分析了中点钳位式(NPC)三电平逆变器的基本原理,提出了一种平衡中点电位的新方法,实现了全数字化控制系统,最后通过仿真验证了该方案的正确性.(This paper briefly analyzes the basic principles of the midpoint of the three-level clamped (NPC) inverter, proposed a new method for balancing the midpoint potential, to achieve a fully digital control system, and finally through the correct simulation of the program sex.)
    2014-10-25 14:21:36下载
  • F16_fuzzy_theta
    F16战斗机的飞行模糊控制器,在matlab环境下simulink中进行仿真(FUZZY CONTROL FOR F16 FIGHTER)
    2020-07-03 14:20:01下载
  • histogram_equalization
    说明:  matlab全局直方图均衡,采用matlab自己编写 未调用函数(histogram equalization)
    2011-03-18 20:42:27下载
  • Simple-word-Class
    简单的封装了对word的操作 使用 CComVariant vOpt(Simple word Class)
    2014-09-11 11:50:33下载
  • 1
    说明:  一本很好的书籍,用于弹性力学使用,外文的,写的很好(A very good book for the use of elasticity, foreign languages, writing well)
    2010-04-17 10:21:10下载
  • ran
    ran资源网络程序 (Resource Network program ran)
    2009-03-17 19:22:41下载
  • hypot
    说明:  抛物线法求解 方程的构造方法:给出[0,1]区间上的随机数(服从均匀分布)作为方程的根p*. 设你的班级数为a3,学号的后两位数分别为a2与a1,从而得到你的三次方程 例如:你的31班的12号,则你的方程是21x3+60x2+2x+a0=0的形式. 方程中的系数a0由你得到的根p*来确定. (parabolic equation method Construction Methods : given interval [0,1] on the random number (subject to uniform distribution) as the root equation p*. set up your classes at a3, after learning of the double-digit for a1 and a2, so you get the three equations for example : your 31 classes on the 12th, then your equation is 21x3 60x2 2x a0 = 0 forms. the equation coefficients a0 you get from the root of p* to determine.)
    2005-12-03 18:19:16下载
  • rengongmianyi
    a=load( q.txt ) width=input( 请输入窗宽 ) step=input( 请输入步长 ) m=length(a) for i=1:floor((m-width)/step+1) s(i,1:width)=a(1,1+(i-1)*step:width+(i-1)*step) end b=max(max(s)) M=s./b Rs=input( 请输入本体集半径 ) nd=input( 请输入检测器数模 ) k=1 while k<=nd d{k}=rand(1,width) for i=1:floor((m-width)/step+1) if (norm(d{k}-s(i,:)))^2<Rs break end end k=k+1 end for j=1:nd for i=1:floor((m-width)/step+1) R(i)=(norm(d{j}-s(i,:)))^2(a = load (' q.txt' ) width = input (' Please enter the window width' ) step = input (' Enter step size' ) m = length (a) for i = 1: floor ((m-width)/step+1) s (i, 1: width) = a (1,1+ (i-1)* step: width+ (i-1)* step) end b = max (max (s)) M = s./b Rs = input (' Please enter the body set radius' ) nd = input (' Please enter the number of detector modules' ) k = 1 while k < = nd d {k} = rand (1, width) for i = 1: floor ((m-width)/step+1) if (norm (d {k}-s (i ,:)))^ 2 <Rs break end end k=k+1 end for j=1:nd for i=1:floor((m-width)/step+1) R(i)=(norm(d{j}-s(i,:)))^2)
    2011-05-21 16:46:49下载
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