此 CHM 文档的内容均为 CSDN 众网友共同收集而来,由网友们于 2004 年 3 月 7 日在 网站 VC/MFC 版的非技术类论坛上正式提出整理工作的倡议,经王国凡同志(sgnaw 李逍遥)整理而成,以供大家工作学习参考之用。 我自认为是一个比较热心的人,经常帮助同学同事们解决 IT 方面的问题,有时也逛逛 CSDN。我在武汉出身,也在武汉工作三年了,希望将来能为 IT 业的发展作出贡献。整理工作虽然辛苦,但也快乐,错漏之处再所难免,如有建议或意见请联系 contents of this document are the common netizen CSDN collected from the public, from users in March 7, 2004 in site VC/MFC version of the non-technical categories of the official presentation of the Forum on the initiative of finishing the work by Where the Kingdom of Comrade (sgnaw Li Xiaoyao) collated from for everyone to learn the work of reference. Since I think is a more enthusiastic, often to help students solve IT colleagues issues, and sometimes go CSDN. I am born in Wuhan, Wuhan is also working for three years and hopefully in the future for the IT industry to contribute to the development. While finishing work hard, but also happy, errors and omissions are inevitable and then, if the recommendations or comments please contact