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于 2010-02-17 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  1、用for和if语句求出供求函数以及稳定时的产量和价格。 2、用多重for循环语句和plot语句画出蛛网模型。 3、制作动画语句。 (1, with for and if statements when you find a stable supply and demand functions and production and prices. 2, with multiple plot statement for loop and draw the cobweb model. 3, animation statements.)



0 个回复

  • xunjiduanshijian
    水文时间序列 每旬的极端事件计算,该指标用于混沌计算前期处理(Hydrologic time series of extreme events is calculated every ten days, the index is used to calculate the pre-treatment of Chaos)
    2014-01-13 17:31:58下载
  • ssfm_gen_nlse
    a code for soliton in SSFM methode
    2011-08-10 18:22:58下载
  • matlab
    Matlab 仿真技术与应用 MATLAB 是一个工程和科学计算软件,融科学计算、数据图形可视化、信息 处理于一体,广泛应用于数理统计、动态系统仿真、自动控制、信号处理、模拟 与数字通信、模式识别、动力工程、电力系统、雷达与声纳工程等学科领域。本 研究生公共实验课程主要面向全校各专业的研究生。通过统计和评估全校各个专 业上课频率的基础上,制定了该实验教材的综合实验内容,主要包括四个部分, 由上课的四位老师进了实验的编制工作。(Matlab simulation using MATLAB is an engineering and scientific computing software, financial scientific computing, data graphical visualization, information Processing in one widely used in mathematical statistics, dynamic system simulation, automatic control, signal processing, analog Digital communication, pattern recognition, power engineering, power systems, radar and sonar engineering disciplines. This Graduate experimental courses primarily for graduate students in the whole school. Each designed by statistics and assess the whole school Industry on the basis of attendance frequency, the development of a comprehensive experimental content of the experimental teaching materials, consists of four main parts, By four teachers of the school into the preparation of the experiment.)
    2012-11-19 19:01:42下载
  • 神经网络
    说明:  BP神经网络的仿真,能够拟合各种函数,支持梯度下降法和LM两种训练算法。所有代码自己编写,没有使用matlab自带的函数,是学习的最佳范本。(The simulation of BP neural network can fit various functions and supports two training algorithms, gradient descent method and LM. All the code is written by myself, without using the functions that come with matlab, it is the best model for learning.)
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    integrated photonics ebook
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  • Matlab-GUI-Handbook
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