首页 » matlab » 人工神经网络原理及仿真实例


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  该系统使用极其简便,即使 你对各种网络模型不是很深刻的了解,也可以很好的使用该系统。使用时, 你可以自己修改网络的各种参数,交互性较好,而且该系统通过大量的图示 及参数设置,可以让你了解每个应用实例实现的过程及详细步骤。(The system is extremely easy to use, even if you have to various network model is not very profound understanding can be a good use of the system. When used, you can change the network's own parameters, interactive better, but the system through a lot of icon and parameter settings, so you can understand each application process and the realization of detailed steps.)




0 个回复

  • 74codingadecoding
    用matlab实现(7,4)汉明码的编码和解码(failed to translate)
    2013-05-06 10:39:29下载
  • inverse
    用matlab写的五种矩阵求逆程序,里面含有说明文件(Using matlab to write five matrix inversion procedure, which contains documentation)
    2008-01-04 18:45:12下载
  • present-wavelet_function
    用matlab采用双尺度方程求解小波基函数的方法 构造小波基(wavelet_function)
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  • RDtecnique
    一个完整的环境激励下随机减量matlab算法程序(this is a program about RD tecnique)
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  • welch
    说明:  本程序实现了短数据序列不同窗函数的welch功率谱估计,然后又求了他们的平均标准差,从而判断各个窗函数的优劣。只要稍作修改就能实现不同信噪比下的功率估计,同时也可以实现长数据序列的估计。(This procedure has a short data series of different welch window function power spectrum estimation, and then seek their average standard deviation, and thus to determine the merits and demerits of each window function. As long as we can with some slight modifications under different signal to noise ratio power estimate, but also the realization of a long data sequence can be estimated.)
    2009-07-27 14:28:03下载
  • LanderMission
    这个课题设计从地球的近地轨道起飞到达谷神星预定轨道并且着陆在其表面上的一种数值方法。基于有限时间的航行纠正点火而非瞬时推力数值计算和Matlab仿真。最后可以看到空间飞行器从地球的影响球飞到谷神星的影响球的飞行轨迹。(This project explores the mathematical methods and results of designing a mission to land a spacecraft on the asteroid Ceres by beginning in an earth-centered LEO orbit and ending in an orbit prepared to land on the surface of the asteroid. Rather than assume instantaneous velocity changes, course-correcting burns of finite time are considered and analyzed using numerical methods and Matlab computation. The behavior of the spacecraft is observed inside the Earth s sphere of influence, in interplanetary space, and inside Ceres sphere of influence. )
    2010-01-12 13:42:02下载
  • leach
    leach协议簇头选择算法的改进及仿真 在改进的LEACH.H协议在簇头节点的选举过 程中,充分考虑了簇头节点剩余能量因素,设定了簇头的能量阀值,防止了低能量的节点成为簇头。在此基础上引 进簇头调整过程,该过程通过排除紧密邻居簇头和增加必要的簇头,在一定程度上解决了LEACH协议存在的问题, 从而达到均衡网络能量消耗,延长生存期的目的。网络仿真证明了新算法的可行性。 (An Improved Algorithm for Selecting Cluster-heads in LEACH)
    2021-03-15 10:39:22下载
  • @fotf
    this is a function that represents Black hole optimization algorithm. with these files there are some benchmark problem codes.
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    LaberMe Toolbox. Toolbox for using labelme images.
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