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于 2010-02-02 发布 文件大小:165KB
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  Thanks for downloading my Logix RC flight simulator. This is a Micro Visual C++ project, so it would be easiest for you to open it with MSVC++ but if you dont have it, you can always use your own compiler, the source files are all there. My program uses some free library offered by Microsoft that make direct X much easier and faster to use. They are located in the 3dPlus directory, you will have to add them to the lib, and include directory on your compiler. The EXE is included, it searches for a bitmap to use as the ground, this is determined in the source. Im know the commenting on the source leaves some to be expected, but i‘ve run low on time. If you need help, source code to the librarys, or anything else email me at: logix@ionet.net I‘ll even send you a CD with everything on it if you mail me a few dollars. Please feel free to distribute this but leave it intact. 本站提供飞行模拟器免费下载,版权归其软件公司或原作者所有。如果你喜欢,请支持正版!



0 个回复

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