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于 2008-07-02 发布 文件大小:40KB
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  随机自动分班级排学号软件 一个朋友在中学教书,经常为排班级排学号头痛,于是做了这么一个小软件让朋友用用,反馈感觉上还不错。 本软件适用于小学升初中只有两科成绩,且成绩只有A,B,C三个标号. 说明一下:该随机自动分班级排学号软件, 不仅有有考虑到,成绩的均匀, 还考虑到生源地(即原毕业学校),性别,及班级学生个数的均匀. 一般来说,每个班级的总体都比较均匀 具体的说明,可以运行一下本软件,点一下生成源文件样本,然后参考一下即可。(Random Automatic Class scheduling software school No. A friend of mine to teach in secondary schools, often for the Class Pai Pai Student headache, then to do so, a small software that allows friends to use, and feel pretty good feedback. This software applies to primary and junior high school only two subjects, and the results only A, B, C grade three. Explain: The random Automatic Class No. Pai school software, not only has to take into account, results in uniform, but also taking into account the students (ie the original graduate schools), gender, and class number of the uniform. Generally speaking, each Class are relatively uniform overall specific, you can run like the software, click the source file to generate samples, and then reference click.)



0 个回复

  • gongetidu
    共轭梯度法的matlab实现,给出任意的一个对称矩阵,可通过较小的迭代次数得到所要求精度的数值解(Conjugate gradient method matlab to achieve, given any symmetric matrix by a smaller number of iterations to obtain the required accuracy of the numerical solution)
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  • power_xfosaturable
    功率电子领域matlab仿真文件,已经验证过,程序运行正常(Power electronics field matlab simulation file, has already been verified, the normal operating procedures)
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