162100(头像)截图程序 1.0 简介: 1、“拒绝繁冗,选择简炼”——162100.com开源作品。 2、不借助插件、FLASH支持,使二者成为历史。 3、程序短小精悍。构思、构成、安装、接入无比简洁。 4、极其便于论坛、博客、社区等的用户头像应用。 5、java script+html前台,可接口任何语言。 (162100 (head) shot program 1.0: 1, " refuse burdensome, select Conciseness" - 162100.com open source works. 2, without the aid of plug-ins, FLASH support to two of the past. 3, the program short and pithy. Concept, composition, installation, access very simple. 4, extremely easy to forum, blog, community, user avatar application. 5, java script+ html front, can interface to any language.)