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于 2010-12-28 发布 文件大小:1627KB
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  code to work with bathymetry (.nc files) for ocean modeling



0 个回复

  • distance
    世博会城市距离模型,主要来算球面的最近距离,曲线到点的距离等(Expo City distance model, the main sphere to the most recent count from the curve the point of distance)
    2010-07-10 22:15:11下载
  • CPM
    连续相位信号调制解调,CPM全响应信号调制解调( Continuous phase signal modulation and demodulation, CPM full response signal modulation and demodulation)
    2014-09-25 22:03:39下载
  • MATLAB-code_analysis
    MATLAB语言常用算法程序集(包括插值、函数逼近、矩阵特征值计算、数值积分、数值微分、方程求根、非线性方程组求解、解线性方程组的直接法、解线性方程组的迭代法、随机数生成、特殊函数计算、第15章 常微分方程的初值问题、第16章 偏微分方程的数值解法、数据统计和分析)(MATLAB language commonly used algorithm for assembly (including interpolation, function approximation, eigenvalue calculations, numerical integration, numerical differentiation, finding roots of equations, nonlinear equations, solving linear equations of the direct method for solving linear equations of the iterative method, random number generation, special function calculation, initial value problems for ordinary differential equations, numerical solution of partial differential equations, statistics and analysis))
    2013-08-26 22:55:41下载
  • Python
    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python英文原版和代码,通过举例介绍原理和方法,再介绍如何用python实现(Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python English original and code, by way of example describes the principles and methods, and then how to use python to achieve)
    2014-12-16 10:09:07下载
  • cmfb2
    hspice model of common mode feedback circuit
    2013-08-09 16:19:24下载
  • AP
    说明:  仿射投影(AP)算法演示,自适应LMS算法,Matlab程序(Affine Projection (AP) Algorithm Demo)
    2014-09-28 13:19:02下载
  • simulat1
    重点参考文章! PA Mazen 2002 Performance analysis of two-hop relayed transmission over rayleigh fading channels 介绍无线中继的文章 比较适合入门的同学 而且内附matlab代码 可以仿真做出全部结果(Key reference articles! PA Mazen 2002 Performance analysis of two-hop relayed transmission over rayleigh fading channels introduce wireless repeater articles for starters students with full simulation matlab code can make all results)
    2013-11-10 22:11:50下载
  • gsc-1.2
    这个包包含以下文件和目录: 1)设置。m:执行该文件设置了正确的路径运行任何代码之前。 2)编译墨西哥人。m:编译所有的墨西哥人文件需要由不同的分割方法。 3)数据:目录图片和储蓄和segmentations笔触。 4)包装:这个目录包含不同的包来实现所有的算法。 5)ui:这个目录包含代码的用户界面。 ( This package contains the following files and directories: 1) setup.m: Execute this file to setup up paths properly before running any code. 2) compile_mex.m: Compiles all the mex files needed by different segmentation methods. 3) data: Directory for images and saving brush strokes and segmentations. 4) packages: This directory contains different packages for implementing all the algorithms. 5) ui: This directory contains code for the user interface.)
    2013-05-21 07:21:45下载
  • hurst_exponent(matlab)
    说明:  计算hurst_exponent的matalb程序 用于检测时间序列的非线性特性(Procedures for calculating hurst_exponent of matalb time series for nonlinearity detection)
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