本文首先介绍了近些年来雷达模拟器获得广泛应用及其原因,然后对目标模 型、杂波模型和机载下视脉冲多普勒雷达的频谱分布进行了分析。接着,研究了 雷达回波信号模拟的实现方法,重点是采用网格映象法对地杂波信号的模拟进行 了分析和推导,并采用此方法对瑞利分布的高斯谱杂波、雷达回波信号进行了仿 真和分析。最后,针对用于某机载雷达信号模拟器系统的数字信号处理器进行了 设计和分析。 (This paper first introduces the radar simulator in recent years is widely available and the reasons for, and then on the target model, and the clutter model of airborne pulse Doppler radar, as under the spectrum distribution is analyzed. Then, to study radar signal simulation methods, with emphasis on the use of grid mapping method to the simulated clutter signal analysis and derivation, and use of this method, the Gaussian distribution of the Rayleigh spectrum of clutter, the radar echo signal simulation and analysis. Finally, for an airborne radar signal simulator system digital signal processor has been designed and analyzed.)