语音识别技术的最终目标是要让计算机能与人自由交谈。目前,连续语音识别技术正趋于成熟,语音识别也延伸出了诸多实用化的研究方向。今后,语音识别的重点将集中在自然话语识别与理解、实时语音识别和语音识别鲁棒性等方面。作为一门交叉学科,语音识别所涉及到的技术有信号处理、模式识别、概率论和信息论、发声机理、听觉机理和人工智能等。(The ultimate goal of speech recognition technology is to make computers and allowing others to speak freely. At present, continuous speech recognition technology is maturing, voice recognition is also extended out a lot of practical research directions. In the future, speech recognition will focus on Spontaneous Speech Recognition and Understanding, real-time speech recognition and speech recognition robustness and so on. As an interdisciplinary subject, speech recognition technology involved in a signal processing, pattern recognition, probability theory and information theory, vocal mechanism, hearing mechanism and artificial intelligence.)