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于 2010-01-27 发布 文件大小:42KB
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  i need the matlab coding for pid controller using particle swarm optimization



0 个回复

  • New-folder-(5)
    matlab and gams interface for link them
    2013-10-18 16:13:37下载
  • 62256-Chinese-data
    62256的中文资料 以及时序图 管脚功能(62256 Chinese data, and timing diagram pin functions)
    2021-01-28 14:38:41下载
  • 多永磁同步电机同步控制策略的研究_刘坤
    多永磁同步电机同步策略研究,包括模糊控制和自抗扰控制。(Research of permanent magnet synchronous motor synchronization strategy.)
    2017-12-19 17:31:40下载
  • gg
    说明:  直流输电谐波不稳定的新方案 参考论文 很好的(Harmonic instability of HVDC new program reference papers)
    2009-05-28 16:10:58下载
  • vector-control
    当前,矢量控制是一种优越的交流电机控制方式,它模拟直流电机的控制方式使得交流电机也能取得与直流电机相媲美的控制 效果。依据矢量控制的基本原理和方法,用 456752 8 9:4 7:<= 模块构建了一个基于转子磁场定向的旋转坐标系下的交流异步 电机矢量控制系统仿真模型,对其速度控制器提出并设计一种模糊滑模变结构控制算法。该控制算法具备模糊逻辑控制和滑模 变结构控制两者优点,并且较好地解决了滑动模态的抖动问题。仿真结果表明了该设计的可行性以及具有良好的动静态性能、 较强的鲁棒性(6.C+D& EFB@.A B.*@A.G ! H’ , )?+ ?1IFA).A B.*@A.G J.CF .K )*C1B@).* J.@.AL :@ B+* .>@+)* @(F ?+JF B.*@A.G FKKFB@ .K M’ J.@.A >D J.CFG)*/ @(F B.*@A.G J.CF .K M’ J.@.AL 5BB.AC)*/ @. EFB@.A B.*@A.G N ? IA)*B)IGF+*C JF@(.C& 456752 8 9:4 7:<= J.C1GF O+? 1?FC @. >1)GC+ ?)J1P G+@).* J.CFG .K 5’ J.@.A EFB@.A B.*@A.G ?D?@FJ >+?FC .* @(F A.@.A KG1Q .A)F*@FC B..AC)*+@F )* @()? I+IFAL R1SSD ?G)C)*/ E+A)+>GF ?@A1B@1AF B.*@A.G O+? IA.I.?FC+*C FJIG.DFC )* ?IFFC B.*@A.GGFAL 6(F B.*@A.GGFA I.??F??FC @(F JFA)@? .K K1SSD G./)B B.*@A.G+*C ?G)C)*/ J.CF E+A)+>GF ?@A1B@1AF B.*@A.G , +*C )@ B+* ?.GEF @(F IA.>GFJ .K @(F B(+@@FA)*/ .K ?G)C)*/ J.CFL 6(F AF?1G@? .K ?)J1G+@).* )*C)B+@F @(+@ @(F B.*@A.GGFA O+? O.AT+>GF O)@( /..C A.>1?@*F??+*C /..C CD*+J)B+*C ?@+@)B IFAK.AJ+*BF F?IFB)+GGD )* @(F K)FGC .K F*/)*FFA)*/)
    2020-12-17 09:09:13下载
  • plane_dtc_load2332
    This is the simulink model for DTC of induction motor.
    2010-03-05 13:55:48下载
  • GNT08.1.2
    gps导航工具包,可用于分析GPS误差,伪距及导航融合算法(This report include the review of • Principle of Radio Navigation: navigation base on trilateration has been investigated and the over determined Eq. for navigation has been solved. • GPS Ephemeris Data: for GPS navigation, the position of GPS satellite is very important so the by receiving ephemeris data the position of the satellite is determined. • GPS Errors: Three different sources of errors in GPS navigation has been investigated (Ionosphere, Troposphere and Satellite clock). Ionospheric Error model is generated base on Parkinson [1] and the Tropospheric Error Model based on Hopfiel model [2]. • Simulation & GPS Toolbox: One of the targets of this work is generating Matlab GPS Toolbox and in one case study the performance of generated toolbox will be verified.)
    2009-03-27 14:56:18下载
  • Internet-based-examination-system
    研究基于互联网的在线考试系统的设计与实现,解决在线考试系统中存在的试题仓库,智能组卷,自动保存等问题。(Of Internet-based online examination system design and implementation of online examination system to resolve questions that exist in the warehouse, intelligent test paper, auto-save and other issues.)
    2011-09-20 23:34:33下载
  • ylmis
    医学信息学是一个新兴的领域,医疗信息系统是医学信息学的一个重要分支。虽然也不乏很多在临床上已经应用的系统,但由于缺乏一个理论的指导,发展呈无序状态。各开发商在进行医疗信息系统建设时往往直接套用其它领域的信息系统开发理论,以满足医疗机构的暂时需求为主要目的,造成开发出来的产品各自为政,重复开发,而且彼此之间很难互连。我国在医疗信息系统领域的起步较晚,最近几年才开始进行系统的研究和开发。 建立并完善医疗信息系统的理论体系是目前医疗信息系统领域十分迫切的要求。本论文以建立整套理论体系为长远目标,以分布式异构系统集成为主要问题对象,从理论和实践两个方面对医疗信息系统的体系结构进行了深入的研究;构建了针对系统集成的医疗信息系统体系结构;设计并实现了医疗信息系统的开发平台。具体来说,本文主要包含以下内容: 从医学信息和医疗信息系统两个方面对医疗信息系统理论体系所涵盖的内容进行了分类总结和综述,为从事医疗信息系统研究、开发、维护、使用的工作人员提供了一个理论基础。 在分析了目前流行的信息系统体系结构的基础上,基于中间件理论提出了医疗信息系统体系结构的设计,从技术平台和医疗模型两个层...(Medical Informatics is a rising field of research with Medical Information System as one of its important branches. Although many information systems have been applied in clinical practice, since they are in lack of theoretical guidance, the development has been a disorderly one. The developers mechanically copy the development of information system from other fields to temporarily meet the demand in healthcare institutes, hence the products ever developed are either irrelative or repetitive and can not be )
    2011-09-09 19:56:33下载
  • LidDrivenFlow_LBM_Test
    very good programs,I hope all members can have a look and learn somthing from it !
    2011-06-09 10:23:18下载
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