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于 2010-01-26 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Function matlab NLMS algorithm



0 个回复

  • CRLB无线定位算法仿真
    CRLB无线定位算法仿真,大家看看,请多指教(CRLB simulation of wireless location algorithm, let us look at, please advice)
    2020-07-04 17:20:02下载
  • BPSK
    说明:  在通信系统中的BPSK调制和解调源代码,在现实中用处非常大(In the communication system in the BPSK modulation and demodulation source code, in reality, use very large)
    2010-03-23 12:53:23下载
  • bolieda
    说明:  一个模拟雷达杂波的程序代码,对开发雷达模拟方面有借鉴作用。(A simulated radar clutter the code, the development of radar simulation serve as a reference.)
    2011-04-09 21:14:29下载
  • zizuokalman
    极坐标下的使用EKF的kalman跟踪仿真(kalman tracking)
    2010-05-23 09:44:07下载
  • pudn_2s6miv
    使用MATLAB编写的aBimRB神经网络算法,本程序根据训练好的网络文件JDBqGzE预测新的数据文件,得到算法的最差性能和最优性能,并绘制出预测数据和原数据的对比图。调试运行正常。 (Using MATLAB preparedaBimRB neural network algorithm, the program according to the trained network fileJDBqGzE anticipating new data files to obtain the best performance and the worst performance of the algorithm, and draw out the comparison chart data and predict the original data. Debugging and running properly. )
    2015-12-27 10:53:53下载
  • nodelayer
    在简单的支路始末端节点数据输入的基础上确定配电网拓扑结构表,经过遍历深度优先搜索形成层次结构和节点队列以决定潮流计算的节点顺序。(Whole story in a simple slip end nodes determined on the basis of data input distribution network topology table, after traversing depth-first search form hierarchy and node queue to determine the order flow calculation nodes.)
    2021-04-21 19:58:49下载
  • program
    风向驾驶模型,让驾驶员在驾驶过程中遇到的风速进行仿真。(Wind driving model, so that the driver in driving wind encountered during simulation.)
    2013-08-02 14:57:58下载
  • 粒子群算法详解-附matlab代码说明
    粒子群算法初步讲解,粒子群算法分类,标准粒子群算法的实现(Preliminary analysis of particle swarm optimization)
    2020-06-23 03:40:02下载
  • LanderMission
    这个课题设计从地球的近地轨道起飞到达谷神星预定轨道并且着陆在其表面上的一种数值方法。基于有限时间的航行纠正点火而非瞬时推力数值计算和Matlab仿真。最后可以看到空间飞行器从地球的影响球飞到谷神星的影响球的飞行轨迹。(This project explores the mathematical methods and results of designing a mission to land a spacecraft on the asteroid Ceres by beginning in an earth-centered LEO orbit and ending in an orbit prepared to land on the surface of the asteroid. Rather than assume instantaneous velocity changes, course-correcting burns of finite time are considered and analyzed using numerical methods and Matlab computation. The behavior of the spacecraft is observed inside the Earth s sphere of influence, in interplanetary space, and inside Ceres sphere of influence. )
    2010-01-12 13:42:02下载
  • MyKmeans
    实现聚类K均值算法: K均值算法:给定类的个数K,将n个对象分到K个类中去,使得类内对象之间的相似性最大,而类之间的相似性最小。 缺点:产生类的大小相差不会很大,对于脏数据很敏感。 改进的算法:k—medoids 方法。这儿选取一个对象叫做mediod来代替上面的中心 的作用,这样的一个medoid就标识了这个类。步骤: 1,任意选取K个对象作为medoids(O1,O2,…Oi…Ok)。 以下是循环的: 2,将余下的对象分到各个类中去(根据与medoid最相近的原则); 3,对于每个类(Oi)中,顺序选取一个Or,计算用Or代替Oi后的消耗—E(Or)。选择E最小的那个Or来代替Oi。这样K个medoids就改变了,下面就再转到2。 4,这样循环直到K个medoids固定下来。 这种算法对于脏数据和异常数据不敏感,但计算量显然要比K均值要大,一般只适合小数据量。(achieving K-mean clustering algorithms : K-means algorithm : given the number of Class K, n will be assigned to target K to 000 category, making target category of the similarity between the largest category of the similarity between the smallest. Disadvantages : class size have no great difference for dirty data is very sensitive. Improved algorithms : k-medoids methods. Here a selection of objects called mediod to replace the center of the above, the logo on a medoid this category. Steps : 1, arbitrary selection of objects as K medoids (O1, O2, Ok ... ... Oi). Following is a cycle : 2, the remaining targets assigned to each category (in accordance with the closest medoid principle); 3, for each category (Oi), the order of selection of a Or, calculated Oi Or replace the consumption-E (Or))
    2005-07-26 01:32:58下载
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