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于 2010-12-25 发布 文件大小:332KB
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  非常详细介绍matlab的手册,非常的实用,新手必备,达人参考。(Matlab manual is very detailed, very practical, novice, of reference.)



0 个回复

  • shujufenxi
    某统计局欲了解第三产业总产出、中间消耗、增加值、劳动者报酬、生产税净额、固定资产折旧、营业盈余之间的关系,根据下面给出的数据建立相应的模型并进行分析,同时又因为变量数目过多影响对其的综合分析,要求对他们进行主成分分析;(Bureau of Statistics For a third of total industrial output, intermediate consumption, value added, workers compensation, production, net of tax, depreciation of fixed assets, the relationship between the operating surplus, in accordance with the following data given by the model and the corresponding analysis, at the same time, because too many variables affect the number of comprehensive analysis of its request for them to carry out principal component analysis )
    2009-06-21 15:32:44下载
  • SeiralComm
    利用MATLAB GUI实现了类似串口小助手的功能,已经过测试,完全可以替代常用的串口助手的功能。(Using MATLAB GUI,The serial communiaction is realized,and it is tesed ok.)
    2011-10-26 21:51:11下载
  • Gauss
    这是一篇关于高斯伪谱法的源代码,具有很好的指导意义(This is a Gaussian pseudo-spectral method on the source code, with a good guide)
    2013-11-28 21:09:48下载
  • MATLAB-communicationbox
    说明:  不错的matlab通信工具箱使用,强力推荐(Good matlab communication toolbox to use, highly recommended)
    2010-04-13 23:04:09下载
  • lm3s9b90
    Stellaris ML3s9b90 microcontroller datasheet
    2014-12-06 19:15:08下载
  • airportconveyer
    Airport conveyer model
    2015-03-04 16:39:15下载
  • caishuzi
    用MATLAB编写的一个猜数字游戏 就是随机生成4位数,你要在有限的步数内猜出。 用法:输入4位数字后按’ok’键,可看到当前结果。 按answer键查看正确答案 按reset键重新开始 还有很多不成熟的地方,发上来想和大家一起商量商量 主要问题: 1、步数限制功能没有完成 2、应当在显示区保留显示以前的所有步骤,但目前只能显示当前步骤 3、按键次数没有保留,无法判断你已经猜了几次 一个小bug:若输入3位数,则会自动把第一位置0 (MATLAB prepared with a game猜数字is randomly generated 4-digit, you have to step in with a limited guess. Usage: Enter the 4 digits after ' ok' button, the current results can be seen. By the answer key to view the correct answer by the reset button to restart where there are many immature, made up and we would like to discuss the main issues discussed with: 1, step 2 did not complete the functional limitations, it should be retained in the display shows all the steps before , but currently only shows the current step 3, the number keys will not be retained to determine a number of you have guessed a small bug: if the input 3-digit, it will automatically position the first 0)
    2009-05-23 00:35:06下载
  • turbodemotoolforC
    MATLAB语言编程的TURBO码信道编码程序,值得一看(MATLAB programming code TURBO channel coding procedures, eye-catcher)
    2007-03-20 11:58:47下载
  • HSS
    说明:  通过若干个例子实现newton hss算法,包括确定最优参数的脚本。(Newton HSS iteration method)
    2020-03-15 16:35:22下载
  • jj
    说明:  这是一本关于系统辨识很好的书本,对初学者很有帮助,是由我们学校长江学者编著的,外面都没有,拿出来分享(This is a very good book on system identification, very helpful for beginners, is edited by our school Changjiang Scholars, and the outside did not work out to share)
    2010-07-13 18:35:37下载
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