VC++与MATLAB的混合编程 :This paper is origined from the API(Application Programme Interface)between Matlab6p5 and Visual C++6.0.and has mainly discussed on the idea about how to make a mixed programme with language C++ and Madab,what’s inore,has illustrated the scheme and difficulties to enhance the speed and efficien— cy of the simulation software and code executing.Consequently,it provides the students and engineers with an effective reference. (:This paper is origined from the API(Application Programme Interface)between Matlab6p5 and Visual C++6.0.and has mainly discussed on the idea about how to make a mixed programme with language C++ and Madab,what’s inore,has illustrated the scheme and difficulties to enhance the speed and efficien— cy of the simulation software and code executing.Consequently,it provides the students and engineers with an effective reference. )