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于 2010-01-25 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  matlab版 bp神经网络 三层,可选输入输出等(three-layer neural network matlab version bp)



0 个回复

    本代码比较了在四种不同特征值扩散度情况下RLS算法的学习曲线,即其收敛速度跟集平均平方误差(This code compares the different characteristics of the four cases the value of diffusivity RLS algorithm learning curve, that is, its convergence rate set with the average square error)
    2009-04-19 10:31:26下载
  • average2
    calculate average in Matlab
    2012-06-08 06:18:27下载
  • rout
    基于均衡网络能耗的无线传感网络路由算法,包括分簇机制,数据传输机制等(Wireless sensor network routing algorithm based on balanced energy consumption of the network, including the clustering mechanism, data transmission mechanism)
    2014-09-01 16:29:22下载
    MATLAB数值分析程序,多种算法均有,还有使用例子,均采用子程序调用形式(Numerical analysis program MATLAB, a variety of algorithms are used, and examples, adopts a subroutine call form)
    2014-11-15 10:18:47下载
  • AntColony
    it consists of matlab code for vehicle routing problem with time windows using Antcolony algorithm
    2015-02-16 14:04:53下载
  • PulsedOFDM
    In this paper, we describe a novel approach for reducing the power consumption and complexity of a multiband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) ultrawideband (UWB) system by applying ideas from pulsed UWB ystems. The approach is quite general and applicable to many other systems. Unlike the MB-OFDM system, the enhancement that we propose uses pulses with duty cycles of less than 1 as the amplitude shaping pulse of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation.
    2010-10-04 13:24:35下载
  • fuzzf
    用matlab仿真模糊控制器,有一定的帮助(fuzzy pid controller)
    2009-05-08 12:42:09下载
  • ExtractBackground
    he files in this package comprise the Matlab implementation of a foreground segmentation algorithm based upon graph cuts, described in: Better Foreground Segmentation Through Graph Cuts, N. Howe & A. Deschamps. Tech report, http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.CV/0401017. The file extractForeground.m contains a sample function that will perform a complete foreground segmentation for static camera video. It uses a number of parameters, which are described in the documentation. An attempt was made to choose sensible default values, but they may need to be adjusted for some videos. More generally, the implementation in extractForeground.m is only a suggestion of how the graph-based segmentation might be used. The same approach can be applied with other (perhaps time-adaptive) background models. The key step is at line 113 of the code, once the deviation array has been created. The graph-cut segmentation can be applied similarly to a deviation matrix computed in any other way.
    2013-11-19 23:41:02下载
  • statecom
    通过PWM方式直接控制逆变器的输出电流来实现静止无功补偿 也即电流直接控制法(Through PWM, the output current of the inverter is directly controlled to realize the static reactive power compensation, which is the direct current control method.)
    2018-04-25 22:08:30下载
    OFDM channel using LMS
    2013-11-18 23:11:30下载
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