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于 2010-12-23 发布 文件大小:98KB
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  Example of using matlab file in java!



0 个回复

  • FailurePrediction
    matlab PCA应用于TE数据进行检测 包括SPE统计量计算,以及SPE和T方控制限的计算。(matlab PCA applies to TE detection data including SPE statistic calculation, as well as the SPE and T control limit calculations.)
    2020-09-24 10:07:50下载
  • Character-Recognition(Lib-SVM)
    支持向量机的研究现已成为机器学习领域中的研究热点,其理论基础是Vapnik[3]等提出的统计学习理论。统计学习理论采用结构风险最小化准则,在最小化样本点误差的同时,缩小模型泛化误差的上界,即最小化模型的结构风险,从而提高了模型的泛化能力,这一优点在小样本学习中更为突出。SVM理论正是在这一基础上发展而来的,经过十几年的研究和发展,已开始逐步应用于一些领域。在解决小样本、非线性及高维模式识别问题中表现出许多特有的优势,已经在模式识别、函数逼近和概率密度估计等方面取得了良好的效果。( Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a new machine learning technique in recent years developed based on statistical learning theory (SLT). It wins popularity due to many attractive features and emphatically performance in the fields of nonlinear and high dimensional pattern recognition. The theory and algorithm of SVC is studied at first, then, simulation is to recognize handwritten numeral with the Lib-SVM toolbox. At last, we study the result, which shows that the SVC can do the classification problem with good performance, shorter operation time and is more suitable for real-time implementation.)
    2011-05-22 08:57:15下载
  • 56P
    随机产生100个字母,并统计元音与半元音字母个数(Randomly generated 100 letters and vowels and semi-vowels statistical number of letters)
    2014-11-03 12:23:46下载
  • 小波变换BP,OMP,StOMP二维比较
    小波变换bp omp等方法的二维比较程序(Two dimensional comparison of wavelet transform, BP, OMP and other methods)
    2017-07-21 09:42:08下载
  • Matlab-simulation-queue-process
    说明:  排队问题仿真的目的是要寻找服务对象与服务设置之间的最佳配置,保证系统具有最佳的服务效率与最合理的配置,通过matlab平台对单服务台有限队长的排队系统进行 过程仿真 可以协助设计人员分析顾客的需求 从而合理规划出符合实际条件的服务设施(The purpose of the queuing simulation is to find clients and the best allocation between service settings, ensure that the system has the best efficiency and the most reasonable configuration, the single desk by the limited matlab platform captain Simulation of queuing systems can be help designers analyze the needs of customers in order to meet the actual conditions of rational planning of services and facilities)
    2011-03-31 09:45:41下载
  • HZK48s
    Store contains 48 * 48 blackbody, including English and Japanese alphanumeric characters, special symbols(Store contains 48* 48 blackbody, including English and Japanese alphanumeric characters, special symbols)
    2014-01-16 15:24:46下载
  • esprit算法
    ls_esprit算法和tls_esprit算法,以及他们的比较(Ls_esprit algorithm and tls_esprit algorithm, and their comparison)
    2021-04-18 23:08:51下载
  • OFDM_Introduction
    OFDM入门介绍非常好的材料,适合刚做通信工程的研究人员,高手就不用看了.(Introduce a very good entry-OFDM materials, just to do communications work for researchers, experts do not need to read.)
    2007-10-25 13:47:51下载
  • Build_Process
    The file explains about Build Process of Embedded Software.
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  • xtf
    read and process xtf format multibeam data
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