

于 2010-01-22 发布 文件大小:1890KB
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  含浮动工具栏、左右侧可隐藏面板等源码,可以直接使用,效果超好。和VS2005的界面相似。(With a floating toolbar, left and right side panels, etc. to hide source code, you can be used directly, the effect super-good. And an interface similar to VS2005.)



..................................\.............\.............\My Project



0 个回复

  • waiguaicodes
    几十个外挂源码集合,绝对是学习外挂的好参考,超级酷酷酷!(dozens external source pool is definitely a good learning external reference, the super grumbling but Cool!)
    2020-06-26 08:00:02下载
  • PWM.X
    说明:  实现双路均流,并且实现双环控制,使输出电压稳定(Realize two-way current sharing and double-loop control to stabilize the output voltage)
    2020-06-17 19:40:01下载
  • DVRServerCenter
    完成端口服务器,支持同步发送接收,支持内存池,支持简单丢包算法。(Completion port server to support simultaneous sending and receiving, support memory pool to support a simple algorithm for packet loss.)
    2010-01-08 14:22:45下载
  • xmodem
    XMODEM 是一种适合在两个计算机之间进行文件传输的简单协议。嵌入式系统调试环境经常利用此协议或其变体,通过UART 端口进行image 的下载。实践者通过此实验环节可对通信协议的基本要素有较深入的了解,同时对通信协议在实时操作系统环境下的实现方式有初步了解。(XMODEM is a fit between the two computers Simple File Transfer Protocol. Debugging embedded systems often use this protocol environment or its variants, through the UART port for image downloading. Practice through this experiment, could be on the basic elements of communication protocols have a better understanding of communication protocols at the same time in real-time operating system environment to achieve a preliminary understanding of the way.)
    2008-03-01 12:14:13下载
  • file_map
    内存映射文件的使用(The example of using memory map file)
    2020-07-02 01:40:01下载
  • FWFsoftwfLibru
    完全支持.net 2.0编写,对下一代操作系统平稳过渡。 支持将DataGridView导出为{文本xls、csv、htm、xml}四种格式。 支持将DataTable导出出为{文本xls、csv、htm、xml}四种格式。 支持直接调用"ExecuteExport"的快捷调用。 组件经过多种平台严格负荷压力测试,性能稳定、处理高效、资源占用低。 (Full support for the net 2.0 written in a smooth transition for the next generation operating system. Support for exporting a DataGridView {text xls, csv, htm, xml} four kinds of formats. Support to export DataTable {text xls, csv, htm, xml} four kinds of formats. Support direct calls to the " ExecuteExport" quick call. Components through a variety of platforms strict load stress testing, performance, stability, and efficient processing and low resource consumption.)
    2012-07-20 08:42:55下载
    生态部落专业粮情组态测控系统,给全世界的粮储工作带来了新的生机,新型的数字 化全方位粮情组态测控系统摒弃了传统的模拟方式,是粮食监测行业的一种创新革命的成 果。整套系统具有组网能力强,操作简单,安装简单、投资成本低、监测直观并且精度高, 能够实时实现视频、温度、湿度的监测、分析、显示、报警、控制、历史查询,报表打印等。 生态部落粮情组态测控系统是利用组态软件以及信息数字技术来实现粮食储藏过程中 对粮情变化的实时监测、对监测数据进行分析与控制、对异常粮情告警提示,提出处理建议 和自动控制等的系统。它可以为科学及安全储粮提供技术保证和科学依据。 粮情组态测控 硬件系统是通过电源电缆、通讯电缆、交换机、路由器将测控平台服务器、测控主机、测控 分机、测温电缆及湿度传感器及高清网络视频传感器等连结起来构成的。 生态部落粮情组 态测控软件系统按系统功能又大致可划分为:粮情监测、粮情分析与粮情控制三部分。(Ecological professional grain condition measurement and control system configuration tribe, grain storage to work around the world has brought new vitality, new digital full-grain situation measuring and controlling system configuration abandon the traditional analog mode, monitoring is an innovative food industry outcome of our revolution. The entire system with networking capability, simple operation, easy installation, low investment costs, monitoring and intuitive high precision, real-time video, temperature and humidity monitoring, analysis, display, alarm, control, historical inquiry, report printing. Ecological tribal grain condition measurement and control system configuration and software configuration information using digital technology to achieve real-time monitoring of food during storage of the grain situation changes, the monitoring data analysis and control, alarm notification of abnormal grain situation, and recommending treatment automatic control system. It can prov)
    2016-07-30 16:18:50下载
  • Linux_Gateway-ioT-master
    说明:  基于linux的默认网关设置(转载自github,若有侵权,联系删除)(Default gateway settings based on Linux)
    2020-03-10 12:49:09下载
  • thedichotomyofequationroots
    用二分法实现求方程根的,在c++环境下实现的。(Achieved with the dichotomy of equation roots, and in c++ environment achievable.)
    2009-12-24 21:41:34下载
  • 网络即时通讯序源码(可传文件、聊天)
    在本机运行的时候,请将QClient.cs 中的ip地址改成自己的ip, 即这里: private string ServerHost = "";   //服务器主机 网络即时通讯程序,基本要求如下:1)用户之间的同步/异步的即时文字通讯;2)用户之间的文件传输功能;3)至少支持在局域网内实现基本文字通信功能,考虑基于互联网的网络通信功能。4)附加要求:A,支持音/视频功能;(这个未完全实现,视频接收方的每一步方法都要用到委托访问控件,已放弃治疗)B,用户之间的通信参考QQ的弹窗效果;C,发送文件前,应经过接收方的允许后才发送;D,消息到达提醒功能;(用户名闪烁)
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