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于 2005-05-04 发布 文件大小:187KB
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  Matlab基础篇是Matlab初学者的一个很好的向导,它介绍了Matlab的安装及初等的使用方法(Matlab Matlab for the project is a good beginner's guide, it introduced the Matlab the installation and use of primary)



0 个回复

  • amtf
    matlab仿真源代码,AM源程序,用matlab运行(matlab simulation source code, AM source, using matlab to run)
    2008-05-20 16:42:42下载
  • project2_01
    系统辨识的时域法--切线法跟两点法,利用matlab编程(Time-domain method for system identification- the tangent method with two-point method using matlab programming)
    2012-05-05 13:56:25下载
  • Ferman-(2011)
    Paper about of test in the matlab using dynare
    2013-03-27 03:09:12下载
  • Link-a-System-Level-OFDM-Simulator
    针对OFDM系统,分成链路级仿真和系统级仿真两个部分。为了降低系统级仿真的复杂度,采用链路级仿真的部分结果。(It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator. Link-level simulator focus on a single-cell single-user scenario, where signal is transmitted from tx, and estimated at rx. Comparing the difference in tx/rx signal, the error rate can be found out. The output of the link-level simulator is the BLER/BER vs. SNR mapping table, that can be used for the system-level simulation. System-level simulator focus on a multi-cell multi-user scenario. For the sake of simplicity, it takes the mapping table aquired in the link-level simulation, measure the actural SNR, and finds the corresponding error rate. Link-level simulator support SISO, 1 by x MRC, 2 by 1 STBC/SFBC, 2 by 2 Alamouti, x by 1 Antenna selection, x by y antenna selection. System-level simulator, currently support only SISO and 1 by 2 MRC. To start with, go into the folder sys_link_simu, and excute the following commond from matlab: sys_link_simu_func(a,b) where a is the link ada)
    2011-08-09 11:00:53下载
  • sj
    说明:  matlab对巴特沃兹滤波器的仿真(1)(matlab simulation of the Butterworth filter (1))
    2009-12-27 15:04:51下载
  • IMU_calculator
    this program takes the data from an IMU as the input and calculates the body s trajectory ,velocity and attitude . it plots the velocities and euler angles vs time and the body s trajectory
    2014-02-25 15:13:08下载
  • Simulink1
    simulink的入门资料,老师上课讲的课件,较易懂,适用于初学者(simulink introductory information, the teacher talked about class courseware, more easy to understand for beginners)
    2007-08-02 10:14:06下载
  • EKF-SLAM-Simulator
    This simulator demonstrates a simple implementation of standard EKF-SLAM.(This simulator demonstrates a simple implementation of standard EKF-SLAM.)
    2011-05-17 15:43:08下载
  • NBI
    最小二乘窄带干扰消除,使用单步线性预测器(D=1)(NBI, when D=1)
    2013-12-17 19:21:57下载
  • milcom_1999
    1999年MILCOM会议论文相关材料。(1999 milcom)
    2013-05-21 21:08:35下载
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