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于 2009-06-16 发布 文件大小:85KB
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  东进语音板卡使用范例,主要是与应用平台间的数据通信,还有与语音板卡的数据交换。同时包括语音通道的状态管理。(East to use an example of voice board, mainly between the platform and application of data communications, as well as data and voice exchange board. At the same time, including the status of the management of voice channels.)



0 个回复

  • 567495sourceofMyICQ
    MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ(如果Tencent告我的话,我会马上改的:-)。 总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你很好的选择。(MyICQ is an open source instant messaging software, including server and client, can be used for Internet or LAN. Can run on Windows or Linux (KDE/Qt) operating system, which is Windows. Current client interface is a mimic of Tencent QQ (Tencent sue me if, I will immediately reform :-). In short, if you advocate freedom, QQ, more and more ads are hated, then harassment, MyICQ is definitely a good choice.)
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  • VBAOSamples
    这是一个非常全的VB+AO二次开发实例集,有小程序,也有WORD文档说明,还有PDF版本的。里面包括图层操作、查询、虫眼、图形编辑等功能……希望大家喜欢!(This is a very wide of the VB+ AO secondary development of examples of sets, a small program, there are WORD document explains, there are PDF versions of the. Operation which include layers, query, insect eye, graphics editing and other functions ... ... hope you like!)
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