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于 2008-12-29 发布 文件大小:84KB
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  一个高效的matlab彩色图像分割软件,(An efficient color image segmentation matlab software)



0 个回复

  • fun pcnn
    基于PCNN的特征提取,PCNN用于特征提取时,具体平移、旋转、尺度、扭曲等不变性,这正是许多年来基于内容的图像检索系统追求的目标,同时PCNN用于特征提取时,有很好的抗噪性。而且PCNN直接来自于哺乳动物视觉皮层神经的研究,具有提取图像形状,纹理,边缘的属性。用PCNN能很好地对图像进行签名,将二维的图像的特征提取成一维矢量签名。(Feature extraction of specified object is an important preprocessing stage in machine vision systems. In this paper, we present a novel hybrid feature extraction method using PCNN (Pulse Coupled Neural Network) and shape information. First, we use PCNN firing map train to formulate object’s time signature, then we use roundness of each firing map to formulate object’s shape information vector, the final feature matrix we got is combined time signature and roundness. We take correlations as our judge criteria in our experiments. It has been proved that the algorithm is not sensitivity with the rotation, scaling and translation of the object and is a useful method for target recognition applications.)
    2010-05-20 23:23:38下载
  • hanfeng
    可以用来检测焊缝缺陷,并通过图象处理检测出缺陷。(Can be used to detect weld defects and the defect was detected by image processing.)
    2021-03-03 19:39:33下载
  • poshecai
    针对彩色图像的局部直方图均衡化,可以较好的增强图像细节(poshe,it can enhancements the detail of the image )
    2012-05-08 10:43:38下载
  • Gabor
    用Gabor滤波器和稀疏分类对表情进行识别(By Gabor filters and sparse facial expression classification identify)
    2014-12-22 11:22:23下载
  • chang-detection
    对两幅遥感图像进行变化监测,先求得差值图像,然后用FCM聚类方法分成变化类和不变类(On two remote sensing image change detection, the first difference image is obtained, then FCM clustering into the same category and class changes)
    2016-07-02 09:24:19下载
  • 基于地分块匹配算法定位仿真(原始程序)
    说明:  地形分块下的匹配导航算法仿真程序,算法包括最优分块算法和匹配定位算法的仿真(Simulation program of matching navigation algorithm under terrain block, including the simulation of optimal block algorithm and matching positioning algorithm)
    2020-12-02 16:19:25下载
  • retinex_frankle_mccann
    Retinex算法对较暗区域的图像处 理有明显效果,改进的Retinex方法则是基于经典Retinex,对具有较高亮度的遥感图像通过图像变 换方法达到去除模糊的目的。 (Retinex algorithm for image processing on the dark region was effective to improve the Retinex method is based on the classic Retinex, on remote sensing images with high brightness achieved by an image transformation method aims to remove ambiguity.)
    2010-06-10 16:24:00下载
  • surf
    surf算法对图像的配准实时的取证,经本人验证,该程序好用无误,可放心使用(surf algorithm for image registration in real time forensics, after I verify that the correct program easy to use, ease of use)
    2013-05-26 17:41:37下载
  • guided_filter
    guided_filter滤波器。对于图像处理方面有用。(filter. It is useful for image processing.)
    2016-12-07 17:03:33下载
  • houghtoedge
    hough变换对圆的检测源代码,附带图片以及程序说明(hough transform the detection of circular source code, fringe shows and procedures Photo)
    2006-09-10 09:17:41下载
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