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于 2010-01-13 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  绘制正弦曲线和余弦曲线,在MATLAB命令窗口中输入 求方程的全部根(Draw sine curve and cosine curve Root of equation)



0 个回复

  • myall_01
    级联滤波器的优化设计,用于绘制优化滤波器cic 半带(cascading filter optimization design, optimized for mapping CIC half-band filter)
    2006-07-19 15:38:33下载
  • cement
    cement, modeling cemented sand
    2013-08-08 06:15:31下载
  • function6
    Pass the Images Through Optics -- Use a Gaussian "Aperture Function" This code segement can use a measured aperture function just as easily - simply replace the next five lines by "load measured_aperture" where measured_aperture is the measured function strored in ASCII and the data stored in the file measured_aperture.mat is a MATLAB .mat file that contains the matrix apfunction. (in MATLAB type "help load" for how to use load and look at the c and fortran code that shows how to read and write MATLAB .mat files). (Note: When the Point Spread Function is Gaussian, then so is the Aperture function) To simulate the effect of the tracker optics, each of the movie frames is now blurred using a 2-D FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The first frame of the resulting image is shown in Figure 1.
    2011-02-12 00:30:05下载
  • biaozhunchatezhengfenlei
    将matlab应用于基于纹理特征的遥感影像分类中的标准差分类(Matlab applied to the differential classification based on texture features of the remote sensing image classification standard)
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  • matlab_procedure_design
    matlab程序设计基础PPT的一个集合包(matlab program design based on a collection of packages PPT)
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  • 基于T-S模型的倒立摆的实现 matlab源代码
    说明:  基于T-S模型的倒立摆的实现 matlab源代码(Realization of inverted pendulum matlab source code)
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  • bianchengfengge
    MATLAB编程风格指南 原著:Richard Johnson翻译: Genial(MATLAB programming style guide to the original : Richard Johnson translation : Genial)
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  • code
    Hough Transform for Iris
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  • spectrum_leakage
    数字信号处理中的频谱泄露的程序,有助于帮助理解信号滤波处理的内涵。(Digital signal processing procedures spectral leakage, signal filtering helps to help understand the meaning.)
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  • gatbx-example2
    目标分配问题,雷达目标识别,图象分割等最优控制问题等matlab遗传算法优化应用(Target Assignment Problem, radar target recognition, image segmentation, such as optimal control problems, such as the application of genetic algorithm matlab)
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